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A/N: this is short but important


"Stay away from her

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"Stay away from her." Anna demanded as James stalked towards them.

Bella had been tricked; their mother had never been in any danger. The tracker had stolen home videos to convince Bella he had stolen Renée. The twins' mother hadn't even left Florida. Bella felt relieved at the new information but Anna was infuriated. How dare he? How dare he use their mother to manipulate Bella.

Steel edged its way into her tone and her dark eyes were colder than the predator before her. At the sight of his smirk, her eyes narrowed and she fixed him with a determined glare. Humour glinted in his blood red eyes of the killer as he stepped towards them. One singular step. It was far too close for Anna's liking and the hairs on her arms raised in warning. For the past five minutes, James had been taunting Bella about how easy she had made the game for him. He sounded disappointed as he spoke, making the older girl sick to her stomach. Or that could be the fact that she hadn't eaten in near twenty hours. A video camera had been trained on them but Anna shoved her sister behind her. Spine straight and hands unwavering, Anna was prepared to defend her wounded sister until her dying breath.

After revealing that he had known Alice prior to her becoming a vampire, James had backhanded Bella into the mirrors. Her head bashed into the glass. Before James could get there, Anna had plucked her up off the floor and placed herself in front of her.

"A valiant effort but one that is ultimately useless. I'm sure Emmett will be furious but I welcome a challenge."

With a swift motion, the tracker sent Anna careening into a trophy case. Glass shattered around her and the sharp shards sliced her pale skin. Blood oozed out of the cuts and a stinging sensation raced across her arms, face and scalp. A larger piece protruded from her side. A scream pounded inside her skull and she barely registered that the sound had been her name. Lying on her back, Anna groaned in pain as her head turned to watch the killer stride back over to Bella, who was had slumped the floor the moment her sister was no longer there as support. A metallic scent filled the room and James' head snapped between the twins. Anna's scent called to him but the scent of her fear would be intoxicating.

"No!" She screeched when he stood over her sister.

Bringing down his leg, the resonating sound of breaking bone bounced off the walls. Grinning as the older girl forced herself to her feet, he brought Bella's wrist up to his mouth. Anna's heart stopped. Her feet were too slow. Pounding across the studio, she heard the moment his teeth sank into the soft flesh of Bella's wrist. Leaping across the small distance left, Anna planned to land on his back and wrench him off her but before she landed, he spun and bat her away. Like she was nothing more than a bothersome fly. Following the arc her body had made, James reached her even before her body stopped sailing through the hair. A hand wrapped around her throat and slammed her into the floor. Upon impact, Anna heard something crack and an agonised scream bubbled past her lips. Seeping out the corner of her mouth, blood trickled down the side of her neck. Bella pleaded for him to stop but her words were swallowed up by her own screams.

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