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Warm lights hung from the edge of the roof as the young couples eagerly made their way to the entrance of the large hall

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Warm lights hung from the edge of the roof as the young couples eagerly made their way to the entrance of the large hall. A large red carpet ushered them towards the gazebo, small paper lanterns decorating either side of the makeshift aisle. Edward forced Bella to stand still and smile as the photographer captured the moment forever. Above them, a large sign informed them that they were entering 'Monte Carlo'. The strip of red continued as the young couple made their way into the hall.

Lights had been strung from every crack and crevice inside as well. One room held a makeshift casino where a few people were placing bets or witnessing their classmates lose some money. A blur of vivid scarlet flashed past Bella as Edward ushered her inside. Rosalie twirled across the floor and back into Ashton's awaiting arms. His black suit fit him impeccably and the bow tie around his neck was the exact shade of his Mate's dress. Bella's eyes widened at the amount of chest the plunging neckline showed, and she pitied all the other girls in the room. Amusement flickered across Edward's face when he followed Bella's gaze to Jessica – who was openly gaping at the blonde beauty.

Arm securely around Bella's waist to help her navigate through the crowds with her cast, Edward guided her to where the rest of the family was. Jasper dipped Alice, causing a few gasps to sound from those who stood on the fringes of the crowd. Glancing around the room, Bella spotted Emmett standing to one side. His dark suit had been paired with a black tie. An emerald pocket square glittered under the soft lights as he bounced from his heels to his toes in time with the music. Unsure whether she was relieved or dismayed by the absence of her sister, Bella was saved the trouble of dwelling on it for too long when Edward pulled her onto the dance floor.

"She's here," he said.


At times, she forgot that Edward was unable to read her mind because he seemed to be so attune with her thoughts. However, he was just capable of deciphering the emotions in her eyes. She had noticed the absence of a woman on Emmett's arms and immediately started scanning the room for any sign of the new vampire.

"She's over there dancing with Tyler."

Resisting the itching urge to deliberately turn around and look, Bella casually asked, "Carlisle let her come?"

She knew, however, that even Carlisle would've been hard pressed to stop Anna from doing something that she wanted. Especially now that her stubbornness was heightened.

"Emmett didn't give him much choice." Edward subtly spun them around so that they inched closer to the other end of the room. "I don't think I've ever heard him use so many words in one go."

Emmett smiled snarkily at his brother as they passed, flipping him the bird. Edward's chest rumbled with laughter immediately causing Bella's heart to flutter at the sound. In all seriousness, he understood why his brother had fought so hard for Anna to be here - even if he didn't believe the risk was worth it. She had one year left of High school and perhaps another year after that where she would still be able to see her friends. After that, they would start to age and she would remain stuck in the body of a seventeen-year-old for all eternity. Every moment she had left with them was precious and worth taking.

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