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Dinner had been just as awkward as breakfast but at least Charlie was making more an effort, asking his two girls about their day

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Dinner had been just as awkward as breakfast but at least Charlie was making more an effort, asking his two girls about their day. Only Bella had things to say yet she responded with short answers. Infuriated, Anna excused herself from the meal, coming up with the excuse that she had loads of homework to do.

Storming up the stairs, Anna felt her temper rise at the behaviour of her twin sister. Footsteps came up the stairs not long after before entering the room across from Anna's and closing the door. Taking a few minutes to calm down and collect herself, the older twin let out a deep breath before trudging across the hallway and knocking on the door.

A muffled response allowed Anna to enter the room, her sister turning away from her desk to face the other twin.

"Hey, Anna. Is everything okay?" Bella asked, glancing awkwardly at her sister.

"Not really."

"What's wrong?" Bella asked, genuine concern for her sister's happiness in her voice.

"Look, I get you don't want to be here. I know it's not easy for you to adjust to how vastly different miserable Forks is to sunny Phoenix but guess what, you're here until you choose to leave. But, if you're choosing to stay here, then I suggest you change your attitude. Dad and I have missed you, more than you could imagine, and you not making any effort to get to know him, is killing him. Make some sort of effort, Bella. Or there's no point you even being here."

And with that, Anna walked out her sister's bedroom, taking great care to slam the door behind her.


Rain drizzled outside the window as Anna sat in her English Literature class, not paying attention as the teacher droned on and on about The Outsiders. It was a book she loved, a book she had read multiple times, and a book that her teacher was currently destroying with his monotone evaluations.

Ten minutes into the lesson, the door opened and in strolled the one and only Emmett Cullen.

"Sorry for my absence." Emmett said, his voice attracting Anna just as much as his physique.

"Which one, Mr Cullen?" The teacher snarked, referring to the fact that since the school term had started, Emmett had not once turned up to the class.

Instead of responding, Emmett scanned the room before walking up to Anna; one of the only people with a spare seat next to her. Dropping onto the wooden chair, Emmett gave the Swan girl a friendly smile before returning his attention to the front. Inhaling deeply, his eyes turned a darker shade of golden as her smell hit him full force.

He had never smelt anything so delicious in his life. It wasn't just her blood that called for him, but her whole essence.

Clenching onto the edge, he heard the creaking groan of splintering wood as he resisted the urge to pounce on Anna.
As the bell rang, Anna turned to leave until a smooth voice stopped her.

"Do you mind if I borrow your notes? I've missed a lot." Emmett's lips were twisted into a smirk, as if he was sharing a private joke that only he could understand.

"O-oh, sure you can. Here." Anna passed her folder to him, and the book containing all her annotations. "I'll give the rest to you later. See you tomorrow."

Giving him a shy smile, she darted out of the classroom, missing the way his eyes gained a reddish hue.


"My lab partner is Edward Cullen." Bella said, breaking the silence that had settled between her and her twin.

"My English Lit partner is Emmett Cullen, big deal?" Anna responded, not sure why Bella felt the need to share that information.

"Do I smell bad to you?" Bella asked, causing her sister to let out a snort until she saw the serious look on Bella's face.

"Um, no? You smell fine. Kinda like strawberries." Anna couldn't help the look she gave her sister, a look that told Bella she sounded crazy.

Sighing to herself, Bella returned to her Trigonometry homework, trying not to dwell on the bizarre events of her school day. Shaking her head, Anna returned to her English Lit notes, ensuring they were in pristine condition for the handsome boy who sat next to her. Every now and again, Bella would let out a groan or a sigh and once an hour had passed of it, the older twin had snapped.

"What is wrong?" She groaned, slamming her pen down on the table and glaring at the woman across from her.

"It's nothing."




Returning to her homework, Annabella ignored Isabella until finally, the younger twin exploded. Going on a rant about what had happened during Biology, Bella vented about the behaviour of Edward Cullen. Thankfully, Anna informed her sister that Edward behaved like that with everyone and that she shouldn't take it so personally.

Giving her sister a reassuring hug, they broke apart as soon as they heard the front door opening. Greeting their father, the twins abandoned their homework and started cooking dinner; still smiling at the first sister moment they had shared.


"Mornin' Swan." Emmett beamed down at the brunette as he entered the classroom.

"Cullen." She greeted coolly, trying to calm her racing heart.

Something about that smile made her flustered but also sent chills racing down her spine. There was something about him that set off warning bells in her head. Every human instinct was telling her to run but when he asked how her morning had been, she completely ignored them.

Falling into conversation with the muscular Cullen was an easy thing to do as he kept the topics cheery and patiently waited for her to answer when she got her words mixed up from nervousness. Thankfully, when the conversation turned to relationships, the teacher entered the room and Emmett pulled away to pay attention.

Focusing on the life of Ponyboy Curtis proved difficult that period as Annabella's mind continued to drift to the man next to her. He smelt like fresh laundry and pine trees and his charming grin made anyone smile.

Subtly turning her head, Anna blushed profusely when her dark brown eyes connected with his dark honey ones. An abnormal eye colour for an atypical person.

"You know, I've read this book a hundred times and I swear, your annotations made it much better." Emmett whispered, sliding her book back to the Swan girl. "The doodles really helped me focus as well."

Before Anna had the chance to respond, Emmett was called upon to answer a question and the two of them didn't continue the conversation. When the bell rang, Anna shoved everything into her bag and tried to rush out the room when a large figure stepped next to her.

"I think we've both got Psychology next, right? Wanna walk with me?" Emmett beamed down at the girl, noticing how she shifted from one foot to the other.

Clearly not a social butterfly.

"Um, sure. Why not?" Anna let out an awkward laugh before mentally berating herself.

Confused as to how Emmett Cullen knew her schedule, she noticed how he had to slow his steps dramatically so that her little legs could keep up with him, and she smiled despite the weirdness of the situation.

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