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Tear stains marked the light grey pillowcase beneath her head

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Tear stains marked the light grey pillowcase beneath her head. Predictably, Tyler had picked her up and asked no questions about why she was so distraught or why he was collecting her from the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. Instead of an interrogation, Tyler came prepared, tucking her into her bed with some of her favourite snacks. Pressing a kiss to her head, he told her he'd message her in an hour to check up on her, and swiftly vacated the Swan house. Well, vacating made it sound voluntary. Fed up with his mother-hen behaviour, Anna had kicked her best friend out of the house with threats of castration. Wishing to protect his manhood, Tyler had asked one more time if Anna would be all right on her own before dashing out the room. A pillow sailed after him, hitting him in the back.

Curled up under the duvet, Anna barely focused on the 80s movie playing out on the laptop screen. Dark frame glasses sat on her face, her eyes unable to see things that were too close to her. It was unfortunate that her comfort movie happened to be The Lost Boys. She didn't feel very comforted by it after the events of the morning. Whilst she cracked a smile at the parts that usually made her laugh, her eyes pooled with tears at the reminder of vampires.

Was that what Emmett looked like, she pondered when David and Michael fought, their fangs out and faces contorted. Rubbing at the tear drops, she berated herself for such foolish thoughts.

Of course Emmett doesn't look like that; he's not a vampire. They don't exist, she reminded herself.

Vampires were a make-believe, fantasy story. As the story hit a plot twist, the wind outside her window picked up. Glancing up, she squinted at the window, unsure as to when she opened it. Despite the dark clouds looming closer, the afternoon weather was perfectly calm. A large fuzzy figure emerged from around her wardrobe and she pulled the glasses off to see it better. As the person approached, Anna opened her mouth to scream but a large hand silenced her. Making her promise that she wouldn't scream again, Emmett hesitantly removed his hand. Attempting to calm her racing hear, Anna took large gulps of air.

"What the hell are you doing in here? How did you even get in?" Anna fret, glancing around.

The door to her bedroom was still shut after Tyler's departure. The thin grey curtains covering her window blew slightly with the wind. Strangers breaking into her home had never really been a fear of hers. After all, her father was the Chief of Police and everyone in Forks knew that. They'd have to be high out of their mind to even attempt it. However, Charlie was currently on duty and Bella had yet to return from her outing with Edward. Anna was completely alone and a (potentially insane) man had broken into her bedroom.

"I climbed through the window." Emmett declared, facial expression conveying that he believed it was a clearly logical explanation. "I just want to talk to you. I don't want you to be upset, especially not with me. Please. Can we talk about this?"

Hesitantly, Emmett leaned forward, thumb stroking the side of her face. Flinching away from him, some part of Anna wished she hadn't once she'd seen the sadness on Emmett's face. It was unusual to see his face devoid of its usual joviality. If he had been anyone else, Anna would've told him to go fuck himself and demand he leave her house. However, Emmett wasn't like everyone else. He had burrowed his way into her heart. All logical sense told her to forget about him but she wanted to hear him out before she made a decision that could lead to both their misery. She wanted to believe him because then she could continue to like him without her feelings making her believe she was a psychiatric escapee.

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