Chapter 1

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I set my stuff down and rested my aching body against the cold stone wall of my new home... Just enjoying the peace for a moment, breathing and feeling my heartbeat.
The few moments in my life when you were relaxed, huh?

Then I was immeadiantly pulled out of my toughts by pretty much nothing... I looked around before slowly taking the only moving box that wasnt unpacked yet.

When i opened the door I sighed 'its ok but nothing special' well I didn't expect something phenomenal anyways, its a house, what else is there?

With my back against the wall I slid down and tought what I should even do, now that I moved...

Exept for one box everything was already unpacked from the movers and I was to tired too make new friends with my new neighbors honestly...

Well like they would even want to be my friend, 'haha...' I pitied myself a bit.

I went to my bedroom, it was a bit smaller than my old one but okay, it even had a small TV and different from the rest of the house was in pretty good condition still.

My lonely thoughts and snooping suddenly got interrupted by the loud noise of a doorbell.

Look like my plans of not making friends with neighbors had just failed...

I opened the door to see a small boy with spiky purple hair, "hey im hop! Heard you just moved in, my house is just down the path here, I thought I'd say Hi!"

I looked at him a bit surprised, not many people ever talked to me so nicely.

It made me kinda happy "oh im y/n! I'm happy you'd come to visit Hop!"

"How about I show you around town?" He asked, his eyes shining like fireworks.

I wanted to say no but I couldn't say no to his face, he was just pretty gosh darn cute...

So right after I agreed with an unenthusiastic nod he dragged me after him.

The town they lived in was pretty nice, a pokemon center, a botique and quite a bit of people, but kind of too many for the amount of houses, maybe this is popular for tourists?

He told me about every small thing there in detail, he really got his facts straight... smart kid.

"Hop?" I asked, resting my arms behind my head,
He turned to me,
"How long have you been living in this town? You know so much about it" I smiled, raising an eyebrow.

"Since i was born of course! When you live in such a small town you dont really get told more than the history, tough it is boring im glad you enjoy me telling it to you!"
He explained cheerfully.

I understood that, I grew up in a small town myself and all I ever heard from the villagers was about the myths and history of it, I was always so bored hearing it but when I told it to other people they seemed very invested in it, maybe you just get desensitized after a while...

„Alright, ill see you soon Hop!„ I gave him a wave, as soon as I closed my door sliding down from it and sighing

It was pretty late already, and the whole move and now the wandering around town had tugged on my nerves, so I simply flopped onto my bed and began a dreamless sleep.

Pokemon sword and shield Various! Yandere! x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now