Chapter 7

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Back out in the open bitches

I couldnt move a muscle, was I saved, or was this actually my end now?

The pokemon stared at me not blinking once.

I set my hands on the ground pushing myself up to stand while my knees were trembling.

The pokemon didnt move at all.

I tried backing away slowly to not give the pokemon a reason to attack me.

"Arcanine, flame wheel!"

Before I could think, a wheel of flames rushed at the milotic at max speed, so close to me that it could have almost hit me right at front.

While it was a fire attack it was enough to scare the milotic away.

I stared blankly at the spot where the milotic once stood.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt" I suddenly heard a voice behind me.

I turned around to see an older man with a massive pokemon standing next to him.

"No im fine...just a little startled..." I answered.

I wasn't sure what exactly to say to him, I had no idea who to trust actually.

Still, I wanted to be polite

"Thank you for...scaring the milotic away, I dont have a clue what it would have done" that was the honest truth...

"No need to thank me, you dont look like your from here. Are you a tourrist?" He asked, helping me up.

"Yes and no, im from alola but im not a tourrist i just moved here.."

"Oh, well im kabu, the fire gym leader of this region" he introduced himself.

"Its a pleasure to meet you" I dusted myself off, "Im y/n."

It was that time I started to take notice of my surroundings, realizing I had no idea where I was.

"Uhm well if you dont mind me asking... Can you guide me out of the wild area, i dont really know where i am here..." I said scratching the back of my head.

"Of course, id be more than happy to do that" he said reaching his hand out for me to take.

I hesitated but ended up taking his hand, 'warm..' you smiled a bit.

This was the first time you held the hand of someone who wasnt a 'friend' or a relative of yours to be honest...

I felt a comfortable tickling in my stomach.

Without me realizing it he looked down at my arm noticing the dynamax band on it.

"I see you have a dynamax band, are you perhaps a gym challenger?" He asked

"Oh yeah! Im starting out soon, thats kind of why i wanted to go to the wild area, I wanted to catch some new pokemon for my team"

"Very well, though I recommend not wandering this close to the Pokemon's family habitats." He said.

"Wait... family habitats?" I looked to him.

He gave me a pitiful smile, "that Vespiquen attacked you because you wandered too close to its family's nest, and the Milotic might have just been ready to finish you off. Wandering too close to a Pokemons nest can make even the kindest types hostile."

I blushed, feeling a bit stupid at once... 'that might explain the Gallade incident...'

"The habitats are usually distinguishable by a strong and far evolved pokemon walking around in its area, for more experienced trainers they are no threat at all, but for a beginner like you they might mean a death penalty."

"Oh wow... that explain a lot..." I felt overwhelmed with new information, perhaps I was not yet that far gone for the wild area...

When he finished his lecture and you arrived at the train station he let go of my hand, almost seeming a little frustrated having to do so.

I said goodbye and thanked him again before leaving to go home, it was the late afternoon and almost unbearably hot... right now I missed the cold wind quite a bit...

Not that I wasn't used to it having come from alola but that didnt have to mean I wasn't bothered by it.

Walking up the small hill to get to my house I was suddendly interrupted by a squeak.

And another one, and another one.

I stopped as I heard it a fourth time..

I noticed it came from a few bushes, I pushed the leafs aside and looked between them, seeing a little Rookidee which was probably abandoned by their mother...

I smiled a bit as it looked at me, seemingly a bit frightened "Aw dont worry little man ill take care of you..." I said picking up the crying pokemon, caressing its feathers to help calm it down.

So it seems like I got another pokemon after all....

Pokemon sword and shield Various! Yandere! x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now