Chapter 9

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So basically i wanna write povs from the love interests since y/n life isnt really that interesting right now so today we have raihan

Pov raihan

"Raihan, come on! The ceremonie is about to start!"

I sighed "yeah nessa! Just a second"

The ceremonie for the league was about to begin, i was just hoping this year a few more trainers would make it to my gym.

The last couple of years there werent really a lot, and even less that were actually a challenge to me.

Well being the last gym leader does come with its disadvantages i guess...

Still ive been pretty entertained the last couple of days.

That girl i found in the wild area was truly a beauty, shame i didnt get to ask for her number.

I think she said her name was y/n...

And she was just so sweet too, just lovely, i hope ill see her again sometime.

"Alright im coming!"

I walked out to the other gym leaders waiting for the ceremonie to start.

The participants were already let out to the arena.

"And now the gym trainers for this year!" The announcement guy said

The door opened and the whole arena was screaming like every year.

"Sadly we are missing one gym leader this year"

Piers, was too busy to come this year?

Did he even attend last year?

Or any year for that matter.

I looked trough the faces of the participants for this year.

I even spotted leons brother in the crowd.

And there...

There was the girl again...

Jackpot! This was the last place i expected to meet her again.

She seemed to noticed me and flashed me a quick smile.

Man, she really is a cutie

Your pov

I was cheered on by so many people at once, tough i knew well that some were only here to see me lose.

In the crowd of gym leaders i actually saw a few familiar faces.

I waved at them and looked right back trough the stadium.

There must have been at least 10 thousand people there and probably million watching over tv or livestream.

This was were my journey began,

my journey to become the champ!

Well atleast i tought so...

My back was finally doing better too, the wounds healed pretty quickly.

Hop was literally glowing, i could only imagine how excited he must have been.

Sadly, as quickly as the ceremonie began it ended too and we were all led out the stadium.

Hop and me were walking to the in.

"Wasnt that so cool y/n?!" Hop asked

"It sure was!" I answered

You then noticed that you never told hop anything about your accident in the wild area...

Well i didnt want to worry him right now...

We were almost at the inn when we were stopped by someone.

"Hey y/n!"

I turned around and saw raihan, the dragon type gym leader.

"Oh hi raihan, whats up?"

"Nothing much, i didnt expect to see you here"

"Oh you two know each other?" Hop asked

"Only briefly" i answered him

"Haha, anyway do you two wanna go out for food together? Its on me"

I looked at hop

"Yeah sure why not?" He said

"Cool, come on follow me i know a place" he gestured

Small timeskip

We were eating together in a restaurant, i gotta say raihan had pretty good taste.

"So you two wanna compete for champion"

"Why would i be in the challenge if i didnt wanna become champ?" I answered sarcasticly

"Yeah sure but ill beat you anyways" hop said

"Yeah sure you will" i rolled my eyes but of course i wasnt annoyed for real

"Haha, i like the spirit" raihan said

"But you will have to get trough me first, and dont give up before that"

"Youll be the small problem" hop said in a fake arrogant tone

"Well see about that" he chuckled

We ate together and raihan payed after that we went to the inn.

Raihan pov

I didnt know what sparked it but something about that girl was so... addicting

Every time she laughed about one of hops jokes i felt myself getting... angry

I didnt want her to laugh at someone elses jokes, i wanted her all for myself.

At that point i made a deal with myself.

I didnt care how selfish and weird this sounded but i had to make that girl mine, and only mine

No matter what i have to do...

Hope yall liked this chapter ^^

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