Chapter 5

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My alarm clock woke me up.

"Ughhh..." I groaned

Right...I wanted to wake up early... for whatever reason
'i hate myself...' I tought slowly getting out of bed

I didnt really bother doing my hair and just threw on a random outfit I had lying around.

I looked around

'Weird.. I could swear I just heard something....'

'Im probably going crazy...' I laughed at myself.

Well yesterday wasnt the best day hopefully this one will be better...

I walked out of my house, letting the cool, tropical wind hit my skin.

I just looked at the sky for a few moments...


I flinched,

"Oh hop sorry i must have spaced out..."
I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Oh thats no problem! I want you to come and see Leon again!"

"Huh? Who?"

"My brother! Don't you remember? He's the champ and so cool, and he told me to come get you!"
Hop exlaimed excited.

That boy sure had a lot of energy...

"Well ok, ill just go and grab something to eat real quick" I smiled weakly.

You walked over to your kitchen and took a pack of F/s (favorite snack) and stuffed it in your pocket.

"Im coming!" I yelled out to hop.

"Im waiting at my house, hurry!"

A challenge huh?

As i was quickly running after hop from the corner of my eye you could see a woloo bumping into to the fence but ignored it

Of course hop beat you...

"Well looks like i won!" Hop mocked you as I walked in the gate.

"You had an advantage..." I said annoyed.

"Nope! Your just a bad loser!" He joked, you smirked.

"Hop i-"

"Are you two finished?"

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Lee!" Hop said happily.

Ah... so it was him again, Leon.

"Oh y/n, good morning!" He gave me a toothy smile.

"Hop has been talking about you nonstop" he rubbed his brothers hair jokingly.

"About me?" I gave hop a look.

"Lee! I told you not to tell them about it!" Hop pushed his hand off, which in comparison to his head was quite large.

I laughed awkwardly...he was actually talking about me? Wow...

"Well y/n, im happy your back!" he held out a hand to me.

"Pleasure!" I grinned, shaking it.

He seemed like a nice guy honestly... just as energetic as his brother.

"Hey y/n do you train any pokemon?"

I shook my head, "Never really been to interested in it"

"Well i got something for you and hop!"

Pokemon sword and shield Various! Yandere! x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now