Chapter 2

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„Hmph..." I groaned as I felt some Pokémon chirping outside

I opened my eyes slowly and got out of my bed, standing up and going to the bathroom to get ready.

I styled my hair, if just brushing out the knots counted as styling, got my bag and got onto the front porch to chill.

'Maybe i should pay Hop a visit' I thought enjoying the fresh air, he said...his house was down the path here, it was the only other house in range so thats most likely it.

The house was big, at least 4 times as big as the small hut I had here, but then again, it was most likely not just Hop living there.

I liked it, it reminded you of your grandmas house, so pretty... and it even had a battle ground, maybe they trained Pokémon?

I hopped down the path and knocked on the door, just hearing a muffled woman's voice inside say, „Leon, get the door please!"

I didnt see Hop but someone who looked a lot older than him, and a lot taller too.
He had the exact same purple hair just longer.

"Oh excuse me i was just looking for Hop, we met yesterday" I put a hand over my chest, trying to seem as friendly as possible

He smiled at me "oh right then your y/n right? He's told me about you but I haven't had time to say Hi yet."
I nodded, „Oh please don't worry, I just moved in yesterday evening."
"Hes been talking about you a lot, no wonder.."
The last part was quiet so I couldn't quite make it out, but I didn't bother to ask.

He then went back into the house called for Hop, who shortly after sprinted down the stairs.

"Hey y/n! Im glad you came!" he lit up as soon as he saw me.
I smiled a little,
"Its not a big deal" I laughed putting my hand on my neck.

"Thats my big brother, leon!" He pointed at him, „Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you my name." he chuckled.

"Come y/n i need to show you something!" Before I could reassure Leon it was alright Hop dragged me out of the house by my hand.
He brought you to the small town about 3 meters away from your home, „this way!" then leading me to a building.

"What is this place exactly?" I asked, a bit thrown off.
"The pokemon lab of course!" He replied.
Pokemon lab? But I don't even have a pokemon, my mother had a bulbasaur years ago but since then I didnt really come into too much contact with them.

"Hop i-" but within a second I was dragged in.
"Sonia are you here?!" Hop yelled out,
Suddendly a orange haired girl came from another room
"Hop, no need to yell I was in my room!" She looked at me for a moment as she walked down the stairs down to our level "oh who are you?"
"Thats y/n, my friend!" Hop introduced me to her.

"Oh, nice to meet you y/n" she smiled "Im Sonia, I do some research around here!"
I smiled but didn't say much,
"So what brings you two here?", She asked looking back to hop.

"Do you two wanna go to hulbury? We could eat something!" Hop suggested.
"i guess a bit exploring wont hurt" I said a bit overwhelmed but also glad that they wanted to do something with me
"Im in too" Sonia smiled, „its good to get out of the lab every once in a while."

"Ill go call a flying taxi" She smiled going outside,
I sighed internally 'i dont know about this..' I overthought, but also I couldn't paddle back now.

Sonia called a taxi and only like 10 minutes later you were in Hulbury, this transportation really was something...
It was a gorgeous town, the air smelt like salt water and everywhere was the sound of waves, it was so relaxing...

We had some seafood and fries at the restaurant, I was a bit hesitant seeing how fancy everything was but when Sonia said she'd invite us I was in, the food was great but the direct views at the water was even better.

I gave my phone a look, "Dang it, I'll have to go home early." I sighed, "Oh really? Thats a shame, I can bring you home if you want though!" Hop offered, "no need, Ill just take a walk trough hammerlocke." I declined before leaving the two.

Hammerlocke was pretty interesting, not as nice as Hulbury but it had a cool atmosphere to it, I saw on my phones map the only way now was trough the wild area, 'well... it could be a bit dangerous...'

I reconsidered for a moment, '...Ill just have to be careful'

So I went on my way trough the wild area...


I never have the feeling that the chapter is finished but i dont wanna keep the very few people liking this fanfic waiting so long sooo, tell me!
Longer chapters but longer waiting time, or shorter chapters or small oneshots with shorter waiting time?

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