Chapter 8

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Welcome to an average day in the live of bede.

Maturing *is* realising that bede is best boy

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Maturing *is* realising that bede is best boy.

No ones pov

It was supposed to be an average day today, but no it wasnt.

Ever since he met this girl in the cafe a couple days ago his world has completely changed.

Every hour, every minute and every second they were in the back of his mind.

An obsession developing itself without him ever noticing.

Every day he would enter the coffee shop only to be dissapointed to not see them there.

He met you only once and you barely exchanged words but he felt like a friend he had for years had left him.

His heart would be in utter despair every second only because you werent there.

A live without ever seeing you again was a live he didnt want to live.

Rather it was a live that he couldnt live.

At first he kept saying to himself that he wasnt interested in you at all,

but he couldnt deny it anymore, he was so deeply in love with you, and it hurt him so much that every second felt like he was getting ripped into a million pieces.

He needed to find you.

And he needed to make you feel the same.


That was what Bede told himself every second as he entered the stadium,

he got accepted as an arena challenger and the chairman himself gave him his invitation letter.

He stood in the room with the others waiting for the ceremonie to start, his mind trying to focus not on you but the ceremonie.

But of course it didnt work.

'Come on come on focus..!'

He heard the doors to the hall open once again.

Out of pure curiousity he looked to see who was gonna be another one of his rivals.

His eyes lit up and widened.

In came a young female.

(H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes.

No doubt it was her.

His fingers during into his own skin as he tried to keep his composure, though his eyes were probably wide open.

He didnt know what to do so he just stood there staring at you as you gave in you letter and sat down on one of the chairs.

He wanted to talk to you but he didnt know what to say, would you find it creepy if he came up to talk to you again?

To his luck your eyes lifted a bit and right as you saw him you jumped up and ran over to him.

"Hey your bede right? Its nice seeing you again!"

He was thrown back by your words and had to think for a second.

"Oh...uh.. hi y/n" He tried putting on a semi-friendly smile.

"Hey y/n do you know this guy?"

Behind you was a small boy with purple locks.

"Oh yeah this is bede we met at a coffee shop a couple days ago!"

"Nice to meet you im hop"

Right as the boy spoke he felt annoyed.

"I didnt know you were an arena challenger"

"Oh yeah i tought it might i guess..." he awkwardly turned his head.

He was so awkward around you but you seemed too oblivious to it, he'd always been able to tell people off, so much so he didn't know how to be nice to you...

Despite that you kept your carefree but still polite smile on.

"Okay challengers please get in the back, the ceremonie is about to start!"

"Lets go y/n" hop said practicly dragging you behind him, away from Bede.

The sight made him sick, how could someone be so inconsiderate with such a precious person? It irked him.

But there was no time to overthink for him right now, he had no other option than to not mess this ceremony up...

Because before you knew it all of you were standing out in a huge stadium, millions of people watching.

He knew that most of them were just there to see him lose but he knew that he wouldnt.

He cant lose, not the gym challenge and especially not you.

He knew it.

Sorry for the short chapter but also sorry for the long break but my mental health is depleting like crazy.
Please be patient with me :)
Love you

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