Chapter 3

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It was a bit tiring walking trough the wild area all on my own, but by now my phone didn't have enough service to call a flying taxi again, so I had to make due.

While I was walking around i suddendly heard a very loud noice,
I looked one, well, there are enough Pokémon here to make a sound but... that was almost threatening.

Weird, probably just some dispute between two Pokemon, walking a few more steps i heard it again...and then again...
It was getting kinda intimidating so I stopped and listened closely.
But then i realized, it was getting closer...

I whipped my head from side to side, contemplating if I should make run for it or not.

Just as I was coming back to the slightest sense of security, the pain of a razor sharp blade slashing down my back and blood flowing down my body threw me into shock.

I couldn't scream, only a second later I was struck again, this time knocking me on the ground.

I tried to lift myself up but my limbs trembled to much to work.
I was never that afraid of dying but, so soon?

The pokemon that slashed my back multiple times now was a Gallade, which I could see when it stood right over me, a suddenly disinterested look in its eyes.

I rolled onto my side trying to stay awake, it seemed it had no more interest in harming me, nonetheless I was bleeding out.

I tried getting up when it was a safe distance away from me, but to no success, my body seemed like it was shut down.

My vision got blury and dark spots started appearing in front of me as you could feel your clothes soak with blood.

'Please...' I thought ' me'

I whited out.



Am i dead..?

There was something tightly wrapped around my body and I felt a stinging pain in my back, what happened...?

I opened my eyes and saw the inside of a hospital, mostly everything was white at least, I was laying in one of the beds, , the thing tightly wrapped around me being bandages.

I tried remembering what happened but I couldn't quite set the pieces together.

What luckily brought me back to reality was someone snapping their fingers in front of my face.

"Hey? Anyone home?" The male called to me
I jerked up and looked at him,
It was a guy with a hoodie and tan skin,
"Finally you just been staring into the air for like 3 minutes. I thought you'd gone dear." He chuckled.

"Oh uh sorry... I must've spaced out."

"Well okay so, what even happened to you? When I saw you tought you were dead already.."
"Me too actually..." I mumbled.

"Well in short i was walking to hammerlocke and got attacked by a Gallade, passed out aaand am now here" I explained.
"A Gallade?!" He exclaimed, startling me a bit,
"These actually dont harm innocent people at all"

"Well i guess they do..." I answered sarcastically, shrugging

" raihan, im the dragon type gym leader from hammerlocke" he introduced himself, huh, so he was the gym leader there...
"Y/n, thank you for saving me by the way, i owe you one..." I chuckled helplessly.

"No problem, i mean i couldnt just let you die" he said laughing a bit.

"I guess that true..but still" I smiled at him, hey maybe I just made another friend.

Luckily the wounds were able to get treated pretty quickly, a few stitches and some painkillers I was luckily able to go back home, though it was already quite dark...

'Wow I must have been unconcious for a while...'

As to learn from my experience I called a flying taxi to get home with, even with the rest I got at the hospital I was pretty exhausted, so I simply took off uncomfortable clothing and flopped into bed, passing out almost immediately.


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