Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes as streams of sunlight bashed into my face, I frowned, I wanted to stay home and rest because my back still stung like major shit...

Despite my reluctance, I got dressed trying to avoid hitting my back too much since it hurt like hell...

I went out of my home, planning of not staying outside for too long since I should get some rest.

You took the Metro to hammerlocke since I had to get a few things to eat, when I arrived there I just went into a convenience store to pick up some snacks and things to cook with and fresh bandages.

Everytime someone or something touched my back I had to surpress my groans of pain and irritation.

I paid for my food and went outside again.
I looked at my phone and sighed, the metro that was supposed to get me back home was broken and it was going to rain in a few minutes.

Could this day get any worse?

Answer: yes

I decided to go into a cafe until it stopped raining.

It was quite full there so there only were a few seats open, I decided to walk up to on of the tables, there was already a boy with a pink coat seated there.

"Is this seat free?" I asked.
He simply nodded.
I sat down and waited for one of the waiters to come up to the table.
I noticed that the boy in front of me just had a cup of coffee in front of him that seemed like it was still full and slowly getting cold.

I just stared at the table but could feel the gaze of him burning holes into my head, strange... maybe he's got a staring problem...

Finally a waiter came up to you, "Hello, can I get you anything?" They asked.

"Just a cup of [your favorite drink]"
I answered.

"Ok just give me 5 minutes!" They smiled, and went back to the front counter.

So I waited again, staring at the table...

Suddendly I was thrown out of toughts as I heard the boy at the opposite side of the table talk.

"Escaping the rain too?" He asked, his voice was a bit high for a boy, but not nearly as squeaky as hop's.

"Uh yeah..." I simply answered.

The waiter came and gave me my drink.

"Thanks" I said as they smiled at me, well, the service smile at least.

I tried talking to the the guy opposite of me a little but it was pretty much just him asking questions and me answering any variation of yes or no.

"Well whats your name? Mines y/n" I asked this time, trying to give a friendly smile.

"Bede" he replied.

"Are you from hammerlocke?" He questioned.

"No, I just moved to postwick" I said, "Oh by the way do you-"

Small Timeskip

I looked at my phone,
"sorry my metro is gonna come in 15 minutes it was nice talking to you bede." I smiled at him, ending the small conversation we had.

He just nodded and watched mw walk out of the cafe.

It was still raining, I tried using my bag as some kind of umbrella but it didnt work so well.

When I was finally at the station I was completely, soaking wet...

I sighed and bought a ticket for the metro, I was shivering, it was so cold...

My metro arrived after what seemed like an eternity, frustrated, I quickly got in.

Even though it wasnt as freezing as outside it was pretty cold.

'Why did my dumbass not think of bringing at
least a jacket?' I thought, cursing at myself internally.

When I finally arrived at home I firstly wanted to take a hot shower, I washed my hair and just tried unfreezing my body.

After that I wasn't really feeling better, but at least warm, I got on my couch, carefully trying to lay down without irritating my back again and turned on the TV.

After a while I was getting bored and decided to cook dinner, even if it was just instant ramen, but they were good.

After I ate I decided to change and go to sleep, it wasnt really late but I didn't really feel good at all so I just decided to sleep right now, maybe all the stress from yesterday now paired with the pouring rain made me tired...

So I went to bed.... once again.

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