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Dick couldn't stop the heated glare as he watched the wheel chair be rolled into his room.

He could barely handle keeping his cool while stuck in a hospital bed for what seemed like forever.

But... now that he would be leaving his bed, even for an hour at most...

Well, now he didn't really want to leave. Unless of course, he was leaving by walking out of there on his own two feet.

You can see how that's a problem.

James was standing at his bedside, a comforting hand on his patient's shoulder.

"No one's going to judge you Richard. It's not something anyone around here hasn't seen before."

'Right, but you don't realize how... humiliating and quite frankly ironic it's going to be for me.'

However, unbeknownst to Dick, James did know and understand.

And while James couldn't reveal that, he was trying to be as comforting as possible.

None of his patients have ever liked being transported like this.

He can only imagine how much worse it must be for him.

Nurse Adam, a fairly new nurse to the hospital's staff and also the one who brought the wheelchair, quickly put the brakes on the chair.

After making sure it was stable enough, he made his way over to James and helped him secure Dick's neck brace into the appropriate position.

Once it was settled, both James and Adam grabbed ahold of Dick and carefully set him into the chair.

They made sure he was comfortable, all the while smiling at his angry glares.

They knew he was not necessarily directing his hateful looks at them, and frankly they weren't exactly too thrilled with this situation either.

Next, came Dick's IV stand.

Now, there were a few problems with that.

One, this is the only medication that seems to help with his pain.

Two, it also makes him very drowsy in between doses.

Three, he has to be aware and conscious for this therapy session.

So the thing is... he can't have any pain relief for at least an hour.

Now with that being said, Dick's pain is not... unbearable.

It was at first, but now it's a "loud thudding" in his head. But if it goes on for too long without medication, it causes him to become very dizzy and nauseous.

But, if Dick is to have any hope of rehabilitation, especially the chance of being mobile, talking normally, or even having a chance of living at least somewhat independently-- he needs to have this done.

Because there is no 'magical cure' or any type of surgery to fix his condition.

Not the ideal situation. Not by far.

But, it's the only way at this point.

But because of all this, they need to keep the sessions as short as possible yet also giving room to hopefully make some progress.

James carefully disconnects the IV from Dick's arm and gives Adam the go-ahead to take Dick to therapy.

Now Dick had to admit, while Evaline and Rosa were very nice, he did prefer having Adam as his head nurse.

Likely because, Adam is not that much older than Dick.

In fact, they had often talked or hung out during school. Despite being a few grades apart.

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