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"Well, Richard, I've just confirmed your PT sessions with Dr. Aguilar. You start with her tomorrow, after breakfast."

Dick looked up from the newspaper he was reading, startled out of thought from his doctor's enthusiastic voice.

He didn't even notice him enter the room.

He gave James a half smile before returning his attention back to the article.

James came over and took a look, reading the headline out loud.

"Nightwing MIA! Where is the Bright Knight?"

James clicked his tongue and went about his business, checking his condition and administering more pain meds for Dick's ever constant headache.

He didn't miss the grimace that appeared on his patient's face when he said those words.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it."

Dick jerked his head up and raised one eyebrow in question.

James glanced at him from the corner of his eye, before writing down the next dosage time on the whiteboard.

"I'm sure he's fine. And besides, I'm sure the local authorities will help keep things under control."

Dick subtly rolled his eyes before setting the paper aside.

'Yeah, but that means people have noticed I'm not around anymore'

"And of course, I'm sure Batman and Robin will handle everything just fine."

James only got a wince in response so he cleared his throat before checking the times again.

'Sure, but what about our shifts? The whole point of those is so we don't get burned out. Especially with our other obligations. Tim wasn't looking too good the last time he was in. Probably getting even less sleep than usual.'

A knock came from the door, and both heads swiveled around to see who it was.

Wally came in with both Kaldur and Artemis following him.

"Ah, I suppose that's my cue to leave then."

He smiled before hurrying out the door, closing it softly behind him.

"Hey Boy Wonder, how do you feel?"   asked Artemis, as all three of them sat in chairs across from his bed.

He just shrugged and gestured towards the IV containing his newly replenished pain medication.

He then tapped his forehead.

Wally nodded in understanding then stood up once more.

"Want the lights dimmed?"

Dick glanced at his discarded newspaper then nodded.

He was done reading anyway.

Wally turned the dial near the door, until the overhead lights were off and the wall lights near the bed were a warm, gentle glow.

Once Dick let out a breath of relief and sunk back into the pillows, Wally sat down again, smiling gently at his friend.

"Dick, I am sorry neither I or Artemis have been able to come sooner. There were matters that had to be dealt with. Primarily keeping an eye on the YJ team. But M'gann and Connor have taken over today's training."

"Înțeleg, este în regulă." "I understand, it's alright."

He gave them a smile before narrowing his eyes a little.

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