Baby Steps

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Bruce's stare never wavered from Dick's as he slowly loosened his grip on Dick's arms but not quite letting go just yet.

Wally was behind him, arms and legs braced in anticipation.

Barbara and Tim were standing a little off to the side, their legs itching to go to him.

In case he fell...


It was going so well at first.

After a week and a half of settling into a new routine at home, Dick insisted they try again.

For a minute, he did great!

But then a spasm shot up his legs, buckling them which caused him to crash to the ground. Faster, unfortunately, than Tim was able to react.

He hit the ground hard, pain sparking through his legs all the way up into his thighs.

For a moment everything seemed to freeze, the sudden fall and pain shocked him. When he came around a moment later, Tim was hovering over him, his face entirely pale while Bruce was quickly trying to figure out if he had hit his head.

No he didn't, luckily he was just shocked for a moment. Still, neither of his doctors were particularly happy with that incident. Luckily though, there was no lasting damage.

Dick's legs just decided that that would be the best moment to give out. However, Dick's pain did take a hot minute to take care of.

One pain pill later and he was comfortably propped up in the living room recliner, a heated blanket draped carefully over both legs.

Dick himself was calmly reading a book while also trying to assure Tim it wasn't his fault. It happened so fast and so suddenly that there was no way Tim would have been able to do anything.

While for a bit Dick's efforts were in vain, Alfred soon put an end to Tim's worries with a stern talk, stating in no uncertain terms that it was absolutely NOT his fault...

As well as a few cookies, which the brothers happily shared.

Still though, in order to try and avoid another incident like that, Wally has been appointed as Dick's "spotter".

Which led them to the current trial, just a few days later after Dr. Aguilar had given them the all-clear.

The main issue now, was keeping Zitka out from under his owner's legs.

He was still a young pup, he just wanted to help. But unfortunately his 'help' might result in another accident.

So, Barbara was standing next to Tim with Zitka on a short leash.

The dog was laying obediently at Barbara's side, seemingly realizing there's nothing he could possibly do.

Though maybe there could be, later on that is. It may be too late for complete training, but perhaps there's still some skills he could be taught as a service dog.

"Alright Dick, I'm going to let go, okay?"

Wally held his arms up behind them, getting ready while Dick merely nodded in confirmation.

Bruce gave Dick's arm a comforting squeeze before completely letting go.

Dick immediately wobbled in place, causing Wally's arms to wrap around his shoulders in a flash.


There's always a bit of unsteadiness, they all knew that.

But after Wally heard of the accident, he seems to be feeling a bit jumpy.

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