My Son...

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"What are his chances?"

Right now Bruce was on the far side of the hospital bed, opposite of Doctor James.

Wally and Megan were standing by the door, trying to give them some space but at the same time-- wanting to hear the news.

Connor however was out in the waiting room. He needed to talk to the Team, see if they knew anything about the 'incident' that would cause a surplus of children coming into critical care all at once.

"The length of his coma is unfortunately unknown. It could last only a few more days or years..."

"And if he does wake up? How will he be affected?"

James sighed and looked down at his comatose patient.

He hated this part of his job...

"Well, and keep in mind that the worst case scenario is death, it is common for patients of this type of brain injury to have long-lasting effects. They are usually handicapped in some way and can never live on their own again... assuming they actually wake up. But... there have been incidents where victims of this actually wake up without any long-term effects."

He reached down to check his pulse.

Slow, as per usual now, but steady.

"He is lucky that the owners of that house called the ambulance when they did..."

Not that the paramedic did him any good. Oh well... we shouldn't worry Mr. Wayne any more than he already is. Besides, I already made sure that imbecile was fired!

"Their quick actions certainly improved his chances at actual survival."

Wayne nodded and continued to look stoic. Which was... not usually the reaction he gets from family members of high risk and critical patients but uh... it was certainly better to explain things when people aren't hysterically screaming or crying.

"Do you know where that family is currently staying?"

James looked back at Wayne, not really expecting such a question.

"Er, no Mr. Wayne. But we can certainly find that out for you."

"Thank you. I'd like to send them a large sum of money. Enough to cover what their insurance won't and then some."

James nodded and picked up his pager... but no one answered.

Wayne cocked an eyebrow at him.

"He's been under surveillance long enough to see that he's stable enough to breathe on his own, so we need to remove the ventilator... I hate to ask but it seems that all doctors and nurses are busy..."

Probably with those poor kids...

"Mr. Wayne, could you please assist me with this?"

"Of course..."

James nodded his thanks and turned towards Megan and Wally.

"It would be best if you two leave for now..."

They looked at each other for a moment, obviously hesitant, before turning and leaving through the door, closing it behind them.

"Now, Mr. Wayne, I just need you to carefully lift his head up... yes, just like that."

Wayne was supporting Dick's head in his palms, as gently as possible around the bandaged area.


James gently touched Dick's throat with one hand and used the other to grab ahold of the tube.

He slowly started maneuvering the tube out from his mouth.

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