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Tim was dressed in his Robin uniform, currently working on his laptop, oblivious to everyone else working around the Watch Tower.  Except for a certain young speedster giving him worried glances from across the room.

Bart's uh... been acting a little off ever since he and the others heard what happened to Dick. Although everyone was kind of out of sorts in some fashion, but when Dick woke up from his coma, the sadness and fear was replaced with relief. 

But although Bart has seemed to relax a little, his behavior is still odd. Anytime anyone so much as mentions Dick's name he tenses and seems to freeze on the spot... almost as if he's bracing himself. And he's been caught by Tim on more than one occasion, staring at an empty spot in the Memorial Room. Like he's expecting something to appear any second. 

Tim wasn't stupid of course, he knew what their resident "future boy" was probably thinking about. And that's not something you keep to yourself. For a couple of reasons really.

First of all, keeping something like that in can practically eat you alive. So of course Tim was worried, Bart is one of his closest friends. Next to Gar. In fact, if one of the other Leaguers were to try to find one of them, they would probably find all three. The three of them remind the senior members of how Kaldur, Dick, and Wally used to be even before the original team was formed.

And the second reason, is you do not keep information about Dick away from his little brother. Especially if it concerns any aspect of his health. Dick, after all, had the same rule regarding Tim.

Spoilers or not. 

Tim looked up from his screen and saw Bart leaving the room. He raised an eyebrow behind his mask and checked his watch: 2:08pm. Hmm...

He's going to the Memorial Room. He goes there everyday at this time.

Tim let out a short sigh and stretched his arms a little before exiting out of his browser, about brain injuries that is, and quietly sets it down on the side table to his right. After making sure it was locked out of course. 

Habit, you know. 

He glanced at his watch again before turning his gaze to the vent above his chair.

Time to get some answers.


Bart stopped next to an empty spot in the Memorial Room, his muscles were tense and his fingers were practically vibrating with jitters. 

Maybe, just maybe, this is another thing that the new timestream has changed. (Because come on, if Bart is now living in the past, some events HAD to have changed. Even the littlest thing... CW Flash anybody? Dude doesn't even mean to change anything and he almost gets hit by a train... that previously had never had a railroad in that location.)

And after all, they say he's doing fine! That's more than can be said for his past's--

"Hey Bart."

Bart spun around so quickly he almost tripped on his own feet.

When he faced Tim he gave his friend a nervous smile.

"Dude! How'd you even-- wait no. Stupid question."

Tim gave him a small grin, glanced over Bart's shoulder, before returning his gaze to Bart.

"I've noticed you've been coming here for a while, and at the same time everyday. And... you've been acting kind of off. What's going on?"

Bart's smile faltered yet he managed a small laugh.

"Heh, no beating around the bush huh? Right. Too obvious?"

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