Nightmare Scenario

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"Hold his leash tight, Tim."

Tim nodded and held the dog's leash tighter. It had been a couple of days since the doctor's revelation, and today was the day Dick was going to... attempt... the front stairs of the Manor.

While Dick was initially excited after his doctor's suggestion, James quickly had to advise caution. This wasn't something to rush or be reckless with. Especially considering the steps were made of stone.

And honestly, having a young and energetic dog near this endeavor isn't exactly ideal. However, Dick absolutely insisted on having his dog with him.

Also, Zitka wouldn't stop whining at being made to stay inside and Dick couldn't stand the sad puppy-eyes looking at him from the window. And Bruce actually allowed it, without much objection.

It was peculiar, ever since Bruce was first told of Dick's injury, he's seemed... softer. To the point that he wasn't always a hard ass. To his family anyway. Obviously, the boys were thrilled, and Dick was more than happy to exploit that. Such as now.

Luckily, Zitka was behaving as he was trained to do so. Sitting calmly at Tim's side, patiently wagging his tail against the grass.

Tim was waiting with Barbara at the bottom of the steps while Bruce was waiting at the top with Dick, it had already been decided that he, along with James, would help Dick down the stairs with the utmost caution.

Alfred also was at the base of the stairs, he had pulled one of the cushioned patio chairs over and settled in to wait with Dick's water bottle and pain meds. And... a phone.

You can never be too careful.

Finally, James's car pulled up to the Manor and Dick couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes. To be able to conquer steps would be another step in the right direction. And perhaps full mobility.

Well maybe... it was a long shot but it was one that his doctor assured him was at least possible. Which is encouraging considering James once believed he would never walk again in the first place.

Dick took a deep breath then sighed, making himself relax. He was getting too excited again, he understood this was likely going to be a long road. But, he still couldn't wait to try.

But his eyes narrowed, and he shook his head once he felt a strange tingling creep into his neck for a moment.

Hmm, likely one of his headaches coming on. Well, they can at least try once before stopping.

James quickly greeted both Dick and Bruce when he made it the top of the steps, just in time to notice Dick shaking his head.

"Dick? Are you alright?"

A moment passed before Dick finally looked at his doctor.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah... just think a headache is coming on."

James frowned a little at this but nodded.

"I see... we will try a few steps and then stop for a while. How's that?"

Dick nodded his agreement. It wasn't like it was a grand staircase or anything.

James carefully helped Dick remove his crutches while Bruce worked to help support Dick on his feet. Once they were finally off and carefully placed on the porch, James firmly grabbed one of Dick's arms while Bruce grabbed the other.

They made it so that, while Dick was mostly going to be in control, they would still be able to offer stability and guidance.

"There we go, one small movement at a time Richard."

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