Unexpected Visitor

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Despite a concerning drop during the operation, Dick's vitals have now returned to their pre-operation levels. They are still lower than they should be, but stable, nonetheless.

James gingerly pulled the thin blanket down from his torso to listen to his breathing and heartbeat, keeping an eye on Dick's pale face. He wondered how his family might react to his current appearance, there was nothing particularly upsetting, but it would likely be a jarring sight regardless.

As of right now, Dick's breathing was stable enough to where he only required a nasal cannula tube instead of the oxygen mask, however, his skin was still quite pale. There were monitors and an IV attached to his arm again yet the most shocking will likely be his head.

His head had to be shaved before the surgery, and now there were two little scars on either side of his head from the incision sites. Those would be covered up eventually when his hair grew back, and they were not even visible at the moment anyway due to the thick bandages covering his entire head, forehead, neck, and a portion of his chin area, leaving just his face uncovered. However, two cords were sticking out from under the gauze, they were both connected to another machine besides the heart monitor, one he has not before been subjected to.

At least... not this long. In the past it was just for tests but now he would likely be wearing it during the duration of his stay at the ICU. It was a brain wave monitor, or an EEG.

James sighed a little before pulling his stethoscope back and covering his patient back up in the blanket, this time pulling it up to just under his chin and making sure it snugly covered his shoulders.

Dick had responded to the cold of the stethoscope, but just barely that James almost missed it. A short, little twitch. James frowned but he figured it was better than nothing. Though Dick had spent two hours in recovery before being transferred to his new room in the ICU, he still had yet to regain any awareness. Not that he had much before his surgery...

But it was a comforting sign that he had stabilized. Besides, the amount of time to wake up after this new type of procedure varied between patients as well as their initial conditions that prompted such an operation in the first place.

Some woke in as little as a few hours while some took days. And considering Dick's condition and inability to wake up before his surgery, he would likely take a couple of days. However, as long as his vitals didn't drop, that should not be such a concern.

But besides Dick himself, there was a new concern. In the ICU, there were strict rules on visitations. For one, there were the rules of the scrubs and masks that are to be worn at all times, and the other is the limitation of guests.

The rules typically varied by hospital, but at James's hospital it depended on the severity or fragileness of the patient.

The ICU patients who seemed to be better off than the others, or who seemed to be improving, were allowed two visitors at one time.

The others who were in a more fragile state, were permitted just one visitor at a time.

Dick was only being allowed one for now, at least until the initial twenty-four hours were up. Of course, no one was happy about that, but they all understood, it was for Dick's own comfort and healing, he will need peace and quiet even while unconscious.

There was a gentle knock at the door before Bruce came in, completely decked out in scrubs, gloves, and a surgical mask like James.

He greeted the doctor with a small nod before quickly coming to his son's side, his eyes first scanning the monitors before roaming over his son's body, taking in his condition. He raised a hand to touch his son's cheek before he hesitated and glanced back at James, who was at Dick's other side.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17 ⏰

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