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Wally was silent as he listened to Bruce speak, his gaze focused on the rise and fall of Dick's chest being caused, for the most part, by the machines surrounding the bed. Wally sniffled while grabbing Dick's arm in what he hoped would have felt like a comforting touch.

He knew what Bruce was talking about, he had already heard it before Bruce called the League to inform them of his decision. Aside from Bruce and Alfred, it was just Wally next to Dick with Barbara and Tim closer to Bruce. They were silent themselves, Tim held the signed document and seemed to be re-reading it repeatedly in his mind, Wally could only assume Barbara was doing the same.

Everyone so far had agreed with Bruce's decision and Wally highly doubted anyone from the League or Team would have an issue with it... aside from the fact that the decision had to be made in the first place.

It was a simple plan; it was stated on the document that the DNR would only go into effect twenty-four hours after Dick's surgery had ended. This gave him a better chance during the operation. But if it seemed like it wouldn't work in the long run... then they wouldn't make Dick suffer.

Now the surgery itself... James had explained that the type of operation Dick would undergo would be neuroplasticity. This type of surgery has been known to restore functions that are otherwise unable to be done due to the damage caused by certain traumatic injuries... like a diffuse axonal brain injury. Of course, this was supposed to be a last resort. Given the amount of damage Dick had sustained, there was no guarantee it would do anything for him. Not to mention the risks... even when Dick was in a more stable condition, the chances of him surviving this kind of operation had very low survival chances.

It was mentioned around the time Dick came out of his coma, but James had to quickly educate the man's friends and family. At the time, he was alive and expected to improve at least a little. This type of surgery was still relatively knew. The risks of him passing during the surgery were too high, so it was deemed as a last resort.

And it has come to that.

Wally's eyes narrowed as he took in the readings on the equipment. Stable enough, but how long would that last? His last coma was a mystery to the medical personnel, he may have well came out of it like he did or he would have stayed asleep. Forever. But this one? It was almost 100% certain that Dick would not awake from this, not unless they did something.

There was a soft knock on the door, causing Wally to tense up, digging his fingertips into Dick's arm. He knew who that was, and it meant it was time for him to go. Kaldur, M'gann, Artemis, and Connor were waiting for him in the nearby waiting room, they already had their time with Dick... just in case.

James came in through the door, a group of nurses waiting behind him. They were here to take him away. Wally got up slowly and leaned over to whisper to Dick, a tear threatening to leave his eye.

"Make it through, little brother."

He slowly let go of Dick's arm and walked over to Tim and Barbara, giving them both a little hug before he exited the room and started the short walk down to the waiting room.

Alfred, Bruce, Tim, and Barbara were going to wait at the hospital, but Wally and the others were going to the Watch Tower to be together, on the promise that either Babs or Tim would notify them if anything happened.

It was practically empty in that part of the hospital, none of the other temporary patient rooms seemed to be occupied, perhaps Dick was the only one scheduled for surgery at the moment. At least that meant the waiting room was empty, except for the others.

Artemis was the first to notice Wally's arrival and quickly stood up, prompting the others to do so as well. He met their eyes and quickly took Artemis's hand. He took a shaky breath before opening his mouth.

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