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"We really do appreciate all of you coming here, he really needs all the help he can get. Can I get your names one more time?"

"Megan Morse"

"Connor Kent"

"Wally West"

Nurse Rosa checked the names once more before turning to leave.

"Just a heads up, the doctor will be in shortly."

Megan thanked her as she left and the room turned silent once again.

Just the heart monitor and Dick's labored breathing was heard.

They each sat down in a chair with Wally being the closest to the bed.

Yes, their relationship was rather strained still but Dick almost died.

And he wasn't out of the woods yet either.

"M'gann... are you able to sense his mind at all? Try to talk to him?" asked Wally.

But M'gann shook her head and slightly looked away from Dick's sleeping form.

"No, nothing. He's unreachable. Either he's shutting himself away or he's..."

Both Wally and Connor nodded, knowing full well what she was trying to say.

A soft knock was then heard at the door with a doctor and nurse soon coming in.

They introduced themselves as Dr. James and Nurse Evaline while the other occupants of the room quickly moved aside.

The nurse immediately checked his vitals while the doctor proceeded to check his eye dilation.

"No change..." murmured Evaline and the doctor shook his head in dismay.

"No eye dilation yet either. Alright... continue monitoring but increase it to every half hour."

Evaline nodded and went to leave when James stopped her.

"Hold on a minute... when I turned the flashlight off I saw something."

He set the flashlight on the bedside and gently cradled Dick's head in one hand and used his other hand to feel the back of the head.

A few seconds passed before the doctor hissed in anger and drew back.

"Evaline, get the MRI prepped and ready stat! We're going to need blood tests too! And get me the name of the damned fool who 'cared' for this man in the ambulance!"

The nurse was shocked to say the least but quickly did what he said.

Wally came forward, now all of them were nervous.

"Uh doc? What's going on?"

The doctor gritted his teeth in anger.

"No response to stimuli, no eye dilation, and no vital changes and there is a large bump on the back of his head! No one told us about, no one said anything could be wrong with his head!"

The gears in Wally's head started turning. A large bump? Likely from blunt force, probably a fallen beam or something. And add to that his symptoms?

That sounded a lot like a...

Multiple nurses came into the room with Evaline and helped wheel Dick out and down the halls, while James briskly excused himself and quickly followed after the nurses.

The room was put into stunned silence for a moment before M'gann spoke in a quiet voice.

"I... what was that all about?"

Wally lowered his head to look at the ground and answered her in little more than a whisper.


I'm terrible. I love him so much yet I always put him through so much pain.



Well he's not here yet. 😇

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