So That Secret...

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James had been considering something for a while now, he could do more to help Richard. Try and get him back at least somewhat the way he used to be. There's just some issues...

But after watching the bombing report on the news... well...

Maybe it was finally time to talk to Richard and his family about it.

James knew what Dick needed to be capable of but only with proper medical guidance could he truly achieve it once more. And only he knows that his patient is, well, Nightwing.

And once he knew who Dick was... well it wasn't difficult to figure out who the others in the clan are.

But how to broach this subject? He was sure Richard would be open to it. He's not so sure about his father...

After all, knowing your patient's father is Batman can be a little intimidating. Especially if Batman doesn't know that you know...

And that you now have to tell him.

Oh God... how in the world was he going to do this?

James fidgeted at the front door of the Manor, took a deep breath, and finally rung the doorbell, wincing as the loud drum of the bell rang through the air.

A few moments passed before Alfred opened the door, welcoming him in warmly if just a bit confused.

"Good afternoon sir... my apologies but is something wrong? It is only Monday."

James shook his head absentmindedly. True, he wouldn't technically be due for a progress visit until Wednesday but he simply couldn't wait any longer.

"No, no nothing like that... however I do need to talk with Richard if he is available?"

'Of course he's available, he's still stuck here!'

"Yes he is, he's just out walking in the courtyard with his dog. Why don't you come in and make yourself comfortable in the living room? I'll bring you something to drink and then let Master Dick know you're here."

James merely nodded, a pit growing in his stomach making it difficult to talk.

He followed Alfred in silence until he was instructed to sit down in front of a roaring fire in the living room. Alfred quickly excused himself to go make him a drink and James was soon left with his thoughts, only the crackling fire could be heard.

'I really hope I'm doing the right thing. But what if this only complicates things more?'

Well... Dick already knew now didn't he? Besides, the others must find out eventually. Especially Bruce.

James was pulled out of his thoughts by Alfred coming back with a steaming cup of tea.

"I've told Master Dick you're here, he'll be in shortly."

James smiled and nodded his thanks before taking a careful sip.

It was warm and soothing, and James actually felt his nerves start to calm a little.

James let out a shaky sigh just as Richard came into the room, his young dog obediently at his side.

For a moment, James's nerves completely calmed as his doctor side came out.

He's made remarkable progress, especially after obtaining those crutches. His gait is steady and strong as long as he paces himself properly, and he's not as slow as he used to be. His confidence also seems to be soaring.

In fact, his walking seems to almost be normal.

Hmm, he'll have to make a note of that for later then.

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