Chapter 6

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Note: Explicit scene warning! It's a short one (toward the end of the chapter), but it's still x-rated so, you've been warned. I was a little nervous about switching up the POVs, but I did it anyway and I kinda like it. This chapter switches from Rebekah to Bonnie to Diana in POV, so tell me what you think and if you like this way better or if I should stick to Omni POV in the comments. Also, don't forget to vote. Enjoy ❤️!



I watched in my rear view for either Diana and Kai or Bonnie and Stefan to pull up to the Grill. What was taking them so long? Freaking mated couples, my mind grumbled. Though, if I were being honest, I thought the epic love between my sisters and their mates was quite adorable. I certainly didn't envy the complexities of it all, especially with Diana's situation, but I couldn't help the pang of longing that echoed through my heart whenever I saw them sharing cute little moments together. Love was something that had evaded me for over a thousand years. Would that ever change? When Diana turned me back into a witch, I started - against all my best efforts - to hope again. 

Under the influence of all that misguided hope, I'd gone and done something stupid. I kissed the absolute worst choice for me, if history was anything to go by - Jeremy Gilbert. Jeremy Gilbert, the doppelgänger's brother. Jeremy Gilbert the hunter. Just the word made my heart ache with phantom pains from the past. The last hunter I'd fallen for quite literally tried to end my life, along with the lives of my brothers. Worse still, he'd only courted me in order to do so. Talk about adding insult to injury.

Yet here I sat in my red convertible mustang with the top up, debating with myself on something I already knew was a bad idea. Yes, I had the green light from both of my sisters, but I couldn't fight the unease starting to swell in my chest again. Maybe when Diana arrived, she could douse me with another rush of fury magic that ate away at my self-doubt. 

A knock against my window startled me from my thoughts and I looked up to see the very reason for my unease. "Jeremy, what an unpleasant surprise," I mocked, rolling the window down. Stop that, Rebekah, I scolded myself. My knack for unhealthy defense mechanisms always got me into trouble. 

He smirked at me, leaning down to the window. "What brings you here all by yourself?" he asked, a twinkle of mischief glinting in his eyes as he reached a hand in to twirl one of my strands between his fingers. 

"I'm not alone," I retorted, pushing his hand from my hair. "At least, I'm not supposed to be," I muttered with a huff. "Diana's riding with Kai and Bonnie's with...Stefan," I added, trying not to glance at him for too long. I knew he'd had a crush on Bonnie for a bit before all the insanity with the Harrowing, but after everything that happened between her and Stefan - who also happened to be an ancient ex of mine - that was quickly quelled. Still, I hadn't heard Jeremy's thoughts on the whole of it. He didn't seemed bothered, but maybe that was my wishful thinking.

"Are you planning on staying out here 'til they arrive?" he asked, bemused.

I looked at him. "I'm sure they'll be here shortly," I answered evenly with a shrug. 

"Maybe you should just come inside," he offered with another smirk. His expression said he knew something I didn't. "You could be out for here a while."

"No, no, they're on their way. Shouldn't be long now," I shrugged again.

He sighed and shook his head as he stood to full height. "Get out of the car, Rebekah," he demanded, pulling my door open.

"Don't command me--" I started with a scoff. 

"Please?" he interrupted, offering his hand. 

I huffed and shook my head, sliding from the car, and purposely ignored his outstretched hand as I closed the car door. I went to brush past him, but his annoyingly muscular arm wrapped around my waist and held me in place against him. "Get your bloody human hands off me before I rip your heart from your chest, Jeremy Gilbert," I hissed, hating the way my pulse sped up under his touch.

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