Chapter 1

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Note: The Bennett sisters are back! I hope you're as excited as I am 😆! You might wanna give the recap a read over if you've been waiting on this story for a while because in this one, I'm diving right back in. Thanks for everyone who stuck with the Bennett Bound story up to this sequel. I'll do my absolute best to make Fated Omen an even better read. (Fair warning, I'm posting this pre-edit, so if you see errors...Idk what to tell you 😬I'll fix it as soon as I can 😭)

Talk to me! In the comments, in conversations on my profile, or even on twitter, wherever. Let me know what you think, how my words made you feel, if it brightened up your day even if just for a second. These kinda things keep me going, keep me writing. We've all lost so much this year, so knowing I'm helping in anyway keeps my mind off all the death that's plagued my family and friends throughout this virus. So, share your thoughts, even a simple emoji - even if you didn't like what I wrote or the way the story's heading - or if you found another awesome story about Bonnie (or any faves we have in common - I'm a reader too!), share it! And don't forget to vote 🙃. As always, enjoy, loves ❤️❤️❤️!


Bonnie's POV - 3 month into Diana's stasis

I blinked against the searing light of the sun streaming through my window. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, hissing when the raw flesh of my lids stung. I must've fallen asleep crying again. I sighed and sat up, running a hand through my wild and messy curls. I fought against the lump in my throat as flashes of my memories with Diana flooded through my mind. You'll get her back, my mind whispered, you have to get her back

I slipped from beneath covers, tensing at the coldness of the floors underfoot as I stepped up to the far wall of my room. It was covered in maps and sticky notes with various incantations, ripped pages from at least eight different grimoires, and tacked pictures Rebekah and I had scribbled in grand detail during the many bouts of psychic trances we'd undergone the last several weeks. Beneath the mess that shone our frantic desperation was a calendar. I grabbed a pen from the table at the corner of the wall and marked an 'x' over today's date. Three months exactly. Three months of trying the Revocation spell to break the Harrow's Slumber in twelve different languages, with four different covens and every magical artifact - dark or not - in both Klaus' and AJ's (Alaric) arsenal. Three months of failure.

Today was the last day we would try the spell. If it didn't work tonight, I wasn't sure where to go from here. We had exhausted every resource we had, even invoking peace agreements with old enemies for any new information that might help us. Elijah had grimoires imported from all corners of the world. Rebekah and I attempted seance after seance with the ancestors for guidance. Nothing was working. 

Diana's power grew stronger and wilder with each passing day. Not even Kai could get within a foot of her without harm. No one had set foot inside her room in five days. For a while, Rebekah was able to reach her through the connection they formed when Diana turned her into a Bennett witch, but even that had slowly died out. Rebekah had been using every ounce of her magic trying to get that connection back, but for the last two weeks, she'd had no success. 

Every failed attempt brought me deeper and deeper into a well of darkness. If I lost Diana...if I truly lost her, I would never forgive myself. And as much as I hated to admit it, I would never forgive Stefan either. He and I had slowly grown apart over this last month. His self-hatred was at an all time high, and I was so wrapped up in the situation with Diana, I wasn't inclined to make him feel better. Not until I knew there was a chance to bring her back. I hadn't seen Stefan in three days and I was started to get worried. If something happened to him, if he'd gone off the deep end and turned his humanity off, would it be my fault?

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