Chapter 9

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Note: I know the last chapter had some of y'all highly offended, but don't worry. All of your ships are sailing smooth, relax. Anyway, the end of this chapter feels kind of abrupt, but I didn't wanna keep you guys waiting. Happy V-day! Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️ Enjoy❤️❤️❤️


The ride to the Grill was awkward and thankfully short. I knew Bonnie could sense a change in me and she was still trying to decide if Klaus was to blame or not. She didn't ask anything, but she'd glance at me from the corner of her eye every few minutes as she drove us to our destination. 

I tried to remember all that Bonnie had and hadn't shared by my second day in Mystic Falls. One slip up and she'd question me until I gave her the truth or use magic to figure it herself. My phone buzzed as we pulled into a spot across from the Grill, and Bonnie eyed me suspiciously. "That doesn't look like the phone you had yesterday," she tested.

"It's not. Klaus got it for me," I shrugged, maintaining an even face while she studied me. Her gaze followed mine to the screen of the phone and I barely fought off an eye roll.

"Hybrid Hottie? Seriously?" Bonnie scoffed, reading the name lit up on the screen. "It hasn't even been a full hour since I caught him in your room."

"He's probably just checking in," I shrugged again, glancing at her. The expression on her face dared me to answer it. "I'll just call him back after dinner."

She rolled her eyes and got out and I followed her actions, trailing after her as we crossed the street and walked into the Grill. "You know what you wanna eat?" she asked.

"I'll just have the burger and fries like always," I blew out, immediately realizing my slip up right after I said it. "Like you always get," I said quickly, hoping she missed it. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't say anything, just nodded and stepped up to the bar and ordered for us. I sighed, running a hand through my hair as a sinking feeling struck my gut. My hair was short again, and obviously still jet black or Bonnie would have questioned it. Klaus said I'd remain a fury, but I hadn't bothered checking my magic since we got back. Worse still, I couldn't sense any of my magic, witch, siren or otherwise. Something must have gone wrong with the spell. 

"I'm gonna run to the restroom," I said absently, rushing off to the back of the Grill. My power - I had to know if I'd really lost it. I rushed into the bathroom and locked it behind me, taking deep breaths as I leaned over the sink in front of the mirror. I called for my magic to rise and lifted my gaze to my reflection. My eyes lit up, but only for a second and I sighed. If I really had lost my power, I would find a way to murder Klaus over it. Just like that, my eyes glowed white. My magic! I hadn't lost it, I just hadn't been angry enough to activate. It was still different, more controllable. I didn't have time to ponder over it, I knew Bonnie would be looking for me and I needed to know why Klaus called earlier. 

I dialed his number and pressed the phone to my ear. It rang twice before he answered. "A normal boyfriend would have been offended at his girlfriend ignoring his calls," he crooned.

"Well, lucky for you, this is all an act," I hissed back. "I couldn't answer. Why did you call anyway?"

"We' a bit of a problem, love," he said uneasily.

"And what would that be?" I asked. We already had a problem: finding a way to take the ascendant from AJ Saltzman before anyone grew suspicious enough to stop us. 

"I took to New Orleans in search of Marcel, but it turns out he trailed after you much sooner than we originally thought," he explained. "He's not in Mystic Falls...yet. I've had an ally follow him down to Florida. I'm assuming he's seeking out a witch to help him locate you."

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