Chapter 11

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Note: This chapter isn't as long as the last two, but 🤷🏽‍♀️ We're going back to the regular timeline...or are we? 😏😏 Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️ And as always, enjoy ❤️❤️❤️


"How the hell do you put stipulations on a time shifting spell, anyway?" Kai grumbled from my left, taking another large bite of his burger. Caroline and AJ had gone to the Grill for a food run and we'd all convened over burgers and beer back at the Salvatore house after Bonnie and Rebekah finished the memory transmutation spell for Kai.

"I don't know, but I'm more concerned with who he has helping him. Do we have any more potential suspects to add to the list?" I asked, stealing a fry from Kai's batch and tossing it in my mouth. 

"Not necessarily a suspect," Rebekah started, sitting on the loveseat across from me, "but I have wondered where my darling brother Kol has been. He was with us constantly in the last timeline and I haven't laid eyes on him in the last week here."

"He did leave rather abruptly," Elijah deliberated, standing beside the sofa I sat in. "He claimed he had business in New Orleans to tie up. I didn't think anything of it, but now..."

"Why would Kol be helping Memphis?" Bonnie challenged from the chaise next to us as Stefan lounged behind her rolling his eyes. "I'm just saying, he doesn't have any valid reasons."

"He has at least two," Stefan scoffed. Bonnie visibly tensed at his insinuation. "You, being the first one. Maybe he struck a deal with Memphis and in return for helping, you're his prize," he shrugged. "What if he still thinks it's Klaus?"

I sighed, wondering just how long Mephistopheles had been observing us to fool everyone so thoroughly. It really was a possibility that Kol had no idea his brother was being possessed. "Damon, add Kol to the list," I glanced at him on my right. He nodded and scribbled 'Kol' at the top of the list just under 'Dyre Witch' and 'Gemini Coven.'

"Can't we strike my coven from the list?" Kai tossed out. "I mean, I'm still a heretic in this timeline. All it would take is one little neck snap - which I'd quickly recover from, of course - and boom, problem solved." 

"I'd rather not take that chance," I said quickly, unease sinking into my gut as I remembered what Mephistopheles wanted to do. I ignored Kai's heavy gaze and took another bite out of my sandwich.

"Is it even possible that he can get outta there?" Damon asked thoughtfully. "I mean, AJ did crush the ascendant. And Bonnie burned the pieces to ash."

"For all we know, he could've escaped before any of that," Bonnie said, blowing out a breath. "What we need is a plan to eliminate him. He's a demon, right? Isn't there some kind of exorcism we could do to get him out of Klaus?"

"Yeah, but he'd only jump into another host," I grouched. Then, a thought popped into my head. I sat up and placed my sandwich back on the plate in front of me. "We need more than an exorcism. We need a banishment, something to cast him out and send him back to hell where he belongs. After that, if we can alter the time shifting spell to take us all back, we can avoid any attempts to bring him back again."

Bonnie caught my gaze with hopeful eyes and she traded looks with Rebekah. "Do you really think that could work?" Bonnie asked.

"It's a lot of work," I warned, "an exorcism, a banishment and a time shift. We'll need a lot of magic...but yeah, I think it could work. We just need to figure out how to get back first. Any ideas?" I finished up my food just as Bonnie pushed her plate away.

"Well, what spell did you use to get here in the first place?" Damon asked, still sensitive about the fact that I'd attempted the time shift at all.

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