Chapter 8

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Note: Y'all just might hate me for this, but this ride is getting wild. Keep in mind that nothing ever goes as planned. Some of you guys reached out and asked for a Diana-Klaus ship, so I'm twisting some things up. Anyway, I hope you like it 😉. Don't forget to vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️! Enjoy ❤️



I allowed myself to wade through the trees, unbothered by the magic ebbing and flowing like a constant, tumultuous ocean wave. If I lost control here, the only things that would be bothered were the trees and I could always just heal them. 

A breeze rushed past me and stopped me in my tracks. Someone else was out here. "Elijah?" I questioned, turning to face who I presumed was him.

"Wrong brother, love," Klaus tossed back with a smirk. 

"Did he send you after me?" I asked. Klaus had always seemed a peculiar character. I remembered watching him around Marcel back in New Orleans. It seemed like a lifetime ago. I hadn't had a conversation with him at all since Bonnie and Rebekah brought me back. He had some misgivings about my hand in changing Rebekah, but our paths never seemed to cross long enough to discuss it.

"I highly doubt Elijah would send anyone other than himself after you, charmer-witch," he quirked.

"It's actually fury now," I said, more somberly than I'd intended. "Did you come here to talk to me about Rebekah?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. I wasn't sure I really wanted to have this conversation with no one else around. Klaus was quite powerful and if I lost control of my magic, an altercation could end us both.

He studied my change in demeanor and dropped cordiality like I assumed he would, mimicking my stance. "In a way, yes. I've good news, bad news, and a deal to offer that could make both irrelevant."

"Oh? What's the deal?" I asked.

"You don't wish to hear the news first?" he asked, lifting brow. 

"If it's going to be irrelevant, why does it matter?" I shrugged.

"Only if you agree to it," he pressed. "Otherwise the news is quite urgent."

"Fine. Just spit it out," I sighed.

"I've come across some information about our little avenging enemy. It seems his obsession with you has come to a head and he's taken interests in...other ways of turning your affections his way," he paused and waited for a reaction, but continued when I remained stoic. "Anyhow, there's a way to shift his attention away from you."

"Okay, so that's the bad and good news. What's the deal you're offering?" I pressed.

"You could reverse it. All of it. Everything that's happened since you waltzed into Mystic Falls," he drawled out, smug that he'd get a reaction this time.

"Time shifting?" I scoffed. "Klaus, you have no idea what you're asking."

"Actually, little bird, I do. Before you decline, really think it through, love. You could still stay in Mystic Falls, be there for your sister. Naturally, you'd remain a fury, but the dominoes that fell after Mephistopheles arose would still be standing..."

"And Rebekah would still be a vampire," I finished with a huff. "I take it you haven't mentioned this to her."

"I haven't mentioned this to anyone. And I'm only offering you an option," he shrugged.

"What part of this 'deal' is beneficial for me?" I asked, tilting my head. 

"Aside from the obvious, I'd help you keep your secret about New Orleans. Marcel would never find you, I swear it. You wouldn't be sought after for the Harrowing, since you're technically no longer a Bennett witch. You could even retrieve Kai Parker from his eternal groundhog day to ensure his coven never attempts to raise Mephistopheles. All of our problems would be solved," he explained.

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