Chapter 7

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Note: Diana's part at the end of this chapter is very short, but it continues into the next one. This chapter is pretty long, but I don't think I'll be able to make all of them long like this, so bare with me as the length fluctuates. Anyway, don't forget to vote and let me know what you think in the comments ❤️! Enjoy ❤️❤️❤️!



Jeremy kept my hand firmly tucked in his as he lead me through the doors of the Grill, over to a booth by the windows where two blondes sat sucking face, hardly registering our presence. "Oh my god," I chuckled, "Caroline Forbes and Matt Donovan...I can't say I saw this one coming." 

They quickly pulled away from each other and Matt gave a sheepish smile while Caroline regarded me with a lift of her brow. "The real shocker here is the former vamp and the current vampire hunter. Hello, Jeremy," she said, casting a dirty look at Jeremy as spoke his name with disdain. 

"Relax," he snorted. "I'm in control." He nodded a greeting to Matt who sat back in his seat and glanced back and forth between us when we finally sat. I took the aisle seat, hoping to make an easy getaway once my sisters arrived.

"Let's hope it stays that way," Caroline grumbled. "Your bloodlust is worse than mine."

Jeremy shrugged. "I only go after enemies. As long as you keep your name off that list--"

"Alright, guys, can we not do this right now?" Matt pleaded with a heavy sigh. "It's the first time all the Bennett sisters have joined us for brunch in...well, ever, I guess. Where are the other two, anyway?"

"They should be here shortly," I responded, glancing back to the door, willing them to appear to no avail. "Perhaps I should go ahead and place an order so it'll be ready when they arrive," I announced, quickly unlinking my hand from Jeremy's as I stood from the table and quickly approached the bar. 

A youthful man turned to me as soon as I reached the bar and curled his lips into a rather disconcerting smile. I wondered briefly if he might be a vampire, but ignored the thought. There'd be only one way for me to find out now and I wasn't about to get close enough to touch him. "What can I do for you, beautiful?" he crooned. 

I nearly gagged as his eyes traveled down to my chest completely unabashed. "I'm ordering for a large party. Could you possibly wait about twenty minutes before filling my order?" I asked, hoping the disgust I was feeling didn't seep through my voice. 

"Of course," he winked. "What'll it be?" 

I grabbed up a menu from the stack in front of me and flipped it open. "How about everything on this page?" I asked with a rueful smile when his eyes widened. "That won't be a problem, will it?" I asked innocently.

He quickly recovered and flattened his lips into a straight line. "Of course not. That's a pretty large order though," the hint of a smile showed at the corners of his mouth, "I could offer you a discount...for a little something in return."

I scoffed, ready to tell him to piss off when I felt a hand drift over the small of my back. "She's taken and not interested," a husky and oddly familiar voice purred from just over my shoulder. I glanced back to find the tall and utterly boring doppelgänger hovering behind me. 

"I think the lady can speak for herself," he shot back, the veins in his eyes rising briefly and disappearing just as fast. 

In a blink, Elena pushed against me and grabbed the man by his collar, holding him against the bar. "I said she's taken," she retorted forcefully, boring her eyes into his. His pupils dilated as she continued. "Look at her again and I will rip your spleen out. Go back to your job." She released him with a huff and he quickly turned his back to me and busied himself with another order. "Men are pigs," she spat, making no move to step away from me.

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