Chapter XVI: Saving the Town

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On that same day, at night.

The combined force of 700 TNI's best encamped outside the town, waiting for further interaction with the townsfolk. At the same time, they wait for the upcoming horde from the north. But as it turns out, they didn't come.

It was odd, as walkers will always be mobile. But then again, this is not a surprise. Many odd and unanswerable things have happened to them, this is one of the many. But with the dead not coming as expected, the townsfolk began to wary of the encamped soldiers just at the outskirts of their town.

Supriyadi sat somewhere open near the camp, overlooking the town. He ignites his cigar and began to smoke. He exhaled the smoke slowly from the nose and mouth simultaneously, as he looked at the town.

"Yo. Still have a bad feeling?" Said, someone.

That certain someone was Iqbal, as he approached Supriyadi with a rifle rested on his back and a guitar on one of his hands.

"Still is. Why'd you bring a guitar here anyway?" Said Supriyadi.

"Why? To play it of course. Why else would I brought this thing?" Iqbal replied.

Iqbal sat on the ground, about the right side of Supriyadi as he leaned into some convenient rock and began strumming the guitar.

"Yo, play me some song." Said Supriyadi.

"Sure, what song?" Asked Iqbal.

"I don't know, anything. I miss my wife, even though we video called every week." Said Supriyadi.

"Fine, I'll pick one by myself," Iqbal responded.

Iqbal played the picked song, and as usual, his guitar play was none like others. Every chord and every note is played smoothly as if the guitar was playing itself.

Plus that, his guitar playing compliments the nature of the song is a very romantic and mellow-like vibe. It was a melody worth time.

Supriyadi smokes some more of the burning cigar on his hand, as he exhaled the smoke from both of his nose and mouth. Even though Supriyadi seems to enjoy the song, his face looked grim.

"We got orders from the Kostrad through the CO regarding the threat of the approaching walking dead, and the townsfolk here. Though I don't like the orders they gave us." Said Supriyadi.

"Really? What are the orders?" Asked Iqbal, whilst still playing the song.

"You really want to hear the orders?" Said Supriyadi.

"Of course! Hit me." Said Iqbal.

"Alright. Should the undead attack the town, do not engage the walkers. We are ordered to simply divert away from the encroaching horde." Said Supriyadi.

"I see. A way to force the townsfolk to beg for our help, isn't it?" Asked Iqbal.

"Yeah, it should work. If not, eliminate the horde and the townsfolk. If they cannot be persuaded, they're nothing but a liability." Said Supriyadi.

"Yeah, I get the logic in that." Said Iqbal.

"All of us get the logic, but can we really execute it? I mean, if the condition were not met, we would have to eliminate the entire town. Including women and children." Said Supriyadi.

"I don't know, but we do what must be done. Just hope that the order did not come to a realization." Iqbal replied.

"Yeah, sure hope so. Anyway, enough with the grim talk. Let's talk about something else. Got news from Gajah Mada, the Turkish Armed Forces and the Indian Armed forces just arrived at the base just a few hours ago." Said Supriyadi.

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