Chapter XVIII: Visiting the Capital (Part I)

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June 16th, 20XX. Somewhere above the Java Sea.

Operation Diponegoro has been concluded. All eastern territory of Falmart has fallen under the authority of Indonesia. The soldiers in the field can now breathe a relieved sigh, the conflict is over, for now. The President's Cabinet was the most people who rejoiced the success, they have secure the chance of greatness.

The news of the Indonesian success of holding half of the continent spreads out like wildfire, as news outlets spreading the news as fast as they can. Indonesia's policy regarding the information on Falmart is almost the same as the Japanese, the difference being in the area for the International/national press to actively report the situation is only at the GMCMB, the capital of the Voglia Warrior Bunnies, the High Elves village, and the Volralden village, as other areas are restricted due "security" reasons.

For the service of "exterminating" the cult of Norug and the undead horde, the 11th Battalion was given a week worth of vacation. And everyone on the 11th Battalion had agreed to just go home. Well, just for some. The 1st Company is now assigned to protect the Voglia Company on a trip to Jakarta. The Presidential Secretary has invited the Voglia Company and the 1st Company on a vacation trip to Jakarta, to advertise their success and their fair treatment towards other races to gain more international support. To be fair, the Voglia could handle themselves, but precautions are always a necessity.

Now, Iqbal, his company, and the rest of the 80 Voglia Warrior Bunnies are flying on a domestic airplane, the Airbus A330. This is the first time the Voglia to fly on a plane besides helicopters, and they surely had some fun/terror feeling mixed. Most of the girls are excited, as they looked out to the window and saw the clouds beneath them. Some are terrified, which makes sense since all of their life spent on the ground.

The 1st Company? 80% of them hit the sack, they just used to sleep on the flight. The rest of the 20% couldn't sleep, or intentionally couldn't sleep, as someone has to keep an eye out for the girls even though flight attendants are available for the flight. Iqbal was one of the 20%, he sat in the middle, between the snoring Supriyadi and the amazed Myra who sat near the window.

"Hey, you're okay?" Asked Iqbal.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine. It's just hard to believe I'm flying up in the sky, seeing the clouds right below me. Is this what the people of the world enjoyed daily?" Asked Myra.

"Not exactly enjoyed daily for everyone, but the traveling through the sky is daily for others that needed to be in another side of the world in just matter of hours." Said Iqbal.

"Besides this, have ever fly somewhere else?" Asked Myra again.

"Several times. My first was to Padang, Sumatera. My uncle and his family brought me for a vacation, visiting from one place to another, looking for hidden gems of nature like beautiful waterfalls and such." Iqbal responded.

"I see. How is Jakarta? Is it different than Sadera?" Asked Myra again.

"Very. Let's just say, you'll feel like you're in a different world. Though, you might have to prepare yourself. It's very humid in there." Said Iqbal.

"Attention all passengers, this is your captain speaking. We'll be landing at Jakarta very soon, please turn off your cellphones and fasten your seatbelt."

"Sir, miss, please turn off your cellphones and fasten your seatbelts." Said a flight attendant to the two.

"Sure." Said Iqbal.

"We're arriving?" Asked Myra.

"Yes. Fasten your seatbelt. We're about to land soon." Said Iqbal.

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