Chapter V: Ending the Volralden-High Elves Conflict

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Iqbal entered the High Elves town with less excitement and much caution, towing the captured elves. They met the unfriendly eyes of the elves, but so far no provocation has been done.

Iqbal left the Hot Bunnies under Myra, in case the talk between Iqbal and the elves turned ugly. Iqbal saw the buildings around him, it appears that the elves live side by side with nature.

Fortunately, they are welcomed to a building on the ground. As the 1st company releases the elves from their restraints, Iqbal and Supriyadi enter the house. The house was made out of twigs and branches sticking together.

Inside was the chief named Zaren, with the young man named Ranolt by his side. Mm chief gestures their guest to sit down, as the two did so. Chief Zaren, then address his guest.

"It appears that we have not introduced ourselves properly. I am Zaren, I am the Chieftain of the High Elves here. This is Ranolt, my daughter's lover, and my appointed successor." He introduced, as Ranolt bow his head in Zaren's command.

"I am IA, this is SH. It is an honor to meet you." It is Iqbal's turn, as he bows his head along Supriyadi's.

"Aiey and Eseij, huh? Weird name, but it's not relevant." The chief responded.

(*Authors Note: Initials of their names, Iqbal Arditama 'IA' and Supriyadi Hardinata 'SH'. To them IA will be heard as 'Aiey' and SH will be 'Eseij' because they said it in English, this was done for the sake of the secrecy of Indonesia's existence in Special Region)

"I see that you have proven your word on this, you have brought all of our captured kin. I trust that all of them are safe, yes?" Zaren asked, making sure that all of them are safe.

Although he showed that he cares about the Elves, but his tone rings a different message. As if he wanted casualties, either a means to betray us or their side of warrior-like chivalry trait that honors the dead.

"Yes, all of them are safe. All of them have been treated well, but I guess the details don't matter if all of them are safe. Am I right?" Iqbal asked.

"Yes.. that's right. May I ask you something?" He said.

"Yes, what is it?" Iqbal replied.

"Are you the invaders that have occupied Alnus Hill? They say that they have magical weapons that spit fire, and according to my daughter that your weapons are similar. So tell me, are you the all-mighty invaders of Alnus Hill?" He asked.

Iqbal was unsure to explain, their actions depicted that they have intentions. Intentions that Iqbal, has yet to notice. But the Chief demands an answer, or else things could get ugly.

"It is hard to explain, we are similar to those in Alnus but we are not the same. We come from the depths of the Mountain Range of Ice and Snow, where we settle ourselves there. We are similar in power, but not the same. Those who were in the Alnus Hill are called Jietai, but we are Red Berets." Iqbal answers the question, in a way so that the Elves would have a hard time identifying.

Indonesia's secrecy in Daerah Khusus is every soldier's top priority, they would die before they tell. Even now, the 1st Company has removed every clue that can link them to Indonesia.

The flag of Indonesia is removed from their shoulder patch, the name TNI is removed, even their own name is removed. They have nothing left to show that they're Indonesian, and that's what they intend to do.

"I see.  So, what is it that you want to do here?" He asked.

"Well. Firstly, we would like to form some sort of coalition. If you need any help, we are willing to support you. And-" before Iqbal could finish his explanation, Zaren stopped him.

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