Back to School

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Hey y'all! I just wanted to say another huge thank you for all your reads, comments and votes! They truly mean the world to me! Enjoy the chapter!


For Sapphire, school was something she'd never dreamed of experiencing. Going home and meeting her parents? Sure, but school? Now here she was as her parents were leaving her and her siblings at Jade Mountain Academy, for the second time. Sapphire could see the apprehension on both of her parent's faces, Glory doing a slightly better job that her bodyguard.

She knew they were worried about leaving her without protection- even though her siblings and the other dragonets would be there. This year was also Oak's last. Glory was the first to speak, "Alright, you guys are going to have fun and be good, right? And Oak, take care of your sisters." All three dragonets nodded.

Deathbringer followed with, "Okay, now hug us and we'll head home. C'mere." The family embraced each other, knowing that it would be a while before they saw each other again. Releasing each other, the adults moved off and took the sky, not wanting to stay for fear of never leaving.

Sapphire's nerves got ahold of her, her talons shaking slightly. It had been a year since she had been here, let alone attend. Not knowing where to go, she simply followed Oak and Firefly as they led the way to the main hall. Once there, they got their scrolls with their schedules and winglets.

Firefly was in a winglet with Cobalt, and Oak was in a winglet with Sahara, Winter and Sapphire. Luckily, Sapphire had Oak and could follow him around, for now at least. "C'mon Saph, let's go find our sleeping caves and clawmates." Sapphire nodded sharply, trailing behind him closely.

It was later found that Sapphire was clawmates with Sahara, Makara and Sunfire. Oak was with Winter and Phoenix. As the dragonets settled in, they made do with a light conversation. One that Sapphire chose not to participate in. She simply settled onto the bed made of leaves and closed her eyes, tuning into her surroundings.

Sapphire heard different sets of talon steps in the hallway, other dragons yelling in the dining cave and snippets of dozens of conversations as dragonets reconnected with old friends and made new ones. And enemies, can't forget about making enemies. Sapphire didn't bother to move till her brother came into the room, "Sahara, Saph, want to go get something to eat? And I'm inviting all of you- not just those two...?"

She let out a small snort at his awkwardness. Rising from her bed, she shifted the leaves back into a pile before following her brother and clawmates out of the cave. As they made their way to the dining cave, they picked up a few others. Firefly joined the group, along with Brightlight, who was talking to a grumpy looking SkyWing with a scar over his eye, Cobalt and few others.

Observing the group, she quickly found pairings within them. Oak and Sahara, Firefly and Cobalt, Brightlight and the grumpy SkyWing, Starweaver and Sunfire, Makara and Phoenix, and several others. Maybe they wouldn't end up together, but they were close to them and seemed interested. Shaking herself from her thoughts, Sapphire followed an extremely bright RainWing, who she believed was Kinkajou, to the fruit table.

From the pile, she chose an orange, some strawberries and an apple. Then, going towards the sound of her sister's voice, she quickly found the group. Settling towards the edge, against a wall with the perfect vantage point to see every entrance and exit, she began to munch on her fruits.

To an outsider, it may seem as though Sapphire wasn't in tune with her surroundings, instead she was paying close attention to every detail about the dragons around her. The grumpy SkyWing had obviously suffered trauma and didn't like socializing but was making an exception for the sweet little NightWing. Cobalt was trying hard to please Firefly whilst Firefly was getting annoyed at him for trying to hard.

A cold body settling near her causing her to switch her attention to the IceWing beside her. "Not one for joining into the endless flow of conversation?" Sapphire simply shook her head in response to Winter's question. "I do not see the point in being loud and talking about mindless things such as who got the biggest watermelon or who could eat a chicken the fastest." Winter nodded.

"You do not seem inclined to partake in their conversation either, your reason?" Winter let out a small sigh, "I can't seem to be nice to any of them, not like I try. They're all annoying, are much too loud and would never be accepted into even the Seventh Circle." Sapphire raised the arch above her eye, asking for a further explanation. "In the Ice Kingdom, there's different Circles for every level on the hierarchy. The Seventh Circle is the lowest."

"Ah, that makes sense- sort of." Winter nodded, then muttered, "I don't even know why I just told her that. Stupid." Sapphire shook her head slightly, not wanting him to think that but not wanting him to know she heard him.

Though, it wasn't for very long as soon Clay came in and called out, "Alright guys, time for lights out. You guys have a long day tomorrow! See you in the morning!" The dragonets all began piling out of the hall, finding their clawmates and heading to their sleeping caves. Sapphire and Winter waiting till the largest groups had moved out before rising and making their way out of the hall.

When they reached Sapphire's sleeping cave, they nodded and parted for the night. Sapphire moved to her leafy bed, curling up as the others in the cave whispered quietly and prepared for sleep. It took her a while to sleep, the sensation of being in a place other than home was strange. It took when all was silent, the only sounds being heard were of her clawmates' easy breathing. It was then when Sapphire finally dozed off, dreaming of gleaming scales and the day to come.


Hope y'all enjoyed that chapter! Have a great week and stay safe!

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