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Welcome to the second chapter of Secrets & Promises. I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far. Enjoy the chapter!


Glory glanced at Deathbringer with a sorrowful look. He looked back at her and tried to give a reassuring smile. It did nothing to relieve the pain she was feeling. The couple looked back to where their dragonets were playing in the clearing. One larger in size, almost an adult.

Oak had a RainWing build but was colored as dark as the night sky. His scales had a forest green under shading as well, making him seem not truly black. The older of the two, he was only a year off of becoming an adult.

Firefly is two years younger than her brother. Her RainWing scales matched perfectly with her NightWing build. And being the heir to the only throne that ruled over two tribes made her a little stuck up at times. Never enough to be rude, but enough to command respect. Firefly usually kept a royal purple color upon her scales along with a pale pink flower crown.

Neither of the two dragonets had left the rainforest. They longed for an adventure. Of course, their parents wanted them to go, to live their lives freely. But, what happened last time was haunting their every step.

Glory made eye contact with Deathbringer, silently asking his approval. Although he was just as apprehensive as her, Deathbringer believed their dragonets could handle themselves. Nodding, Deathbringer pulled her closer with his wing. Glory leaned into him, embracing his warmth and protection.

"Oak, Firefly, we have something tell you," Glory called to her dragonets. Both of their heads shot up and they darted over to their parents. The duo sat perfectly still, not moving a muscle. They did this every time their parents called them to talk.

Sighing, Glory started, "Your father and I have decided to send you to Jade Mountain Academy." Both of their eyes widened and their jaws dropped in sync. "Really? You're going to let us go to school!" Oak exclaimed. Being the eldest, he had wanted to leave the rainforest to truly find himself. This was his time!

"Yes, under the conditions that you stay safe and try not to get into too much trouble." Deathbringer added before they could get too excited.  They both nodded excitedly. Firefly was the first to ask, "When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow." The dragonets locked eyes, both of them excited for the next chapter in their lives. They were going to school tomorrow! Oak and Firefly quickly ran off to their hut, preparing themselves for the journey.

Glory leaned into Deathbringer more, finding herself tired. They looked up as the sun started to drop behind the horizon. Deathbringer, recognizing Glory's train of thought, lifted her chin and looked her in the eyes.

"All we can do is hope."


Another chapter done! Hope you enjoyed and have a great week!

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