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~Five Years Later~

There was a thud on the platform, behind the resting family. A black dragon whipped his head around at the noise, a glint of recognition in his eyes. The other dragons there, a green, a purple, a darker green, a blue and a yellow all looked up as well. Smiles lit up their faces as they took in the blue and white dragons, along with the gray one at their feet.


A blue dragon rested on the edge of the tallest platform in the rainforest. Soon enough, a white dragon moved towards her, wrapping a wing around the blue one. The couple sat there in silence, embracing in the feeling of finally being home after so long.

It had been five years since they left the rainforest, unsure of where they were going or when they would return. But now as they sat here, watching as the sun slowly dipped behind the horizon like it did all those years ago. It was finally real and over. They had taken down the IceWing who had ordered the kidnapping of the blue dragon when she was a newborn. And now they could settle.

The two seemed to have come to an unspoken agreement, it was time. They had been going for so long, it was time to slow down and enjoy life. The couple had been all over the continent, from the East to the West, to everywhere in between. And now that they were home, it was there they'd stay.

They were finally safe. And as the moons rose, the blue dragon leaned further into the white, relishing in his presence. The only constant she had had during those long five years of tracking down the IceWing responsible and her followers. Now it was peaceful.

Through the secrets being kept about the blue one's very existence and the promises of protection, they were still here and together... Together they would always be.

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