Author's Note

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Hey y'all! I can't believe it's finally here! I have officially finished Secrets & Promises, and man what a roller coaster it has been. I honestly can't believe how far this book as come from a simple idea in my brain to becoming a reality and one that you guys have been here for every step of the way.

I hope you guys truly enjoyed this book, and please feel free to leave helpful feedback if you want. I can't thank you guys enough for all of the support you guys gave me throughout this whole process. From my several disappearances due to writer's block and being busy, you guys still stayed and have made it all the way to the end.

I want to than those who commented and voted, those truly made my day several times and gave me a reason to keep writing. And to my silent readers, thank you for being there through the journey.

This journey has been a long one, and I honestly can't wait to continue making books. I do have more upcoming books, including some more Wings of Fire based ones that aren't based on the books, as well as more original books and series.

This is the end of this series, but there will be some other short stories in the future relating to and referencing this book and Scars & Fears.

I can't believe that this book is actually over. Scars & Fears was the first ever book I officially wrote and published on Wattpad, and to see it having over 3k reads is incredible. It's honestly such an achievement to me and I can't thank you guys enough.

I hope you guys enjoyed this book and thank you for being here on this journey. I hope you guys will be here for my upcoming books and will enjoy them just as you have this one. Thank you, and goodbye for now!


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