The Visit

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Hey y'all! Brief overview before you read the chapter. This one takes place a year after Sapphire returns to the rainforest, during this time, the other dragonets have finished their school year, and are coming to the rainforest to visit. During the year, Sapphire has taken up training with Deathbringer, and has become extremely deadly. Alright, hopefully that helps you guys understand a bit more, enjoy the chapter!


~~~One Year Later~~~

Winter followed Sahara as she led the way further into the forest. He hated needing her help, but this was his first time in the jungle the RainWings, and NightWings, called home. Sahara, surprisingly, had been to the rainforest multiple times since the dragonets had finished school for the year, having gone to visit Firefly, Oak, and the NightWing twins. Of course, he knew that it was mainly so she could see Oak.

The duo had become fast friends after their game of tag the year before, their friendship slowly growing into a relationship. Although, neither would admit that they had been pining for each other for the longest time.

Removing himself from his thoughts, Winter focused on the path in front of him. Firefly and Oak had made sure they invited the entirety of their group for the one year anniversary of their little sister being found. Sapphire. It had been an entire year since he had seen the dragonet, and helped teach her how to glide. Somewhat, at least.

Throughout the year, Winter had found his thoughts wandering to the blue dragonet, wondering if she had learned to fly yet, or if she had thoughts of him as well. Rolling his eyes, he realized that they had made their way to the outskirts of the village.

Already, he could feel the humidity seeping into his scales, giving him an unpleasant feeling. The bugs were another issue, always buzzing around his ears, causing them to flick and twitch. It was horrid. Between the humidity, bugs and the rainforest floor which consisted of damp leaves and mud, Winter was going to die.

Finally, they entered the village itself, and wow, it was... unique for sure. With huts scattered around, along the floor and in trees, all connected by bridges and different platforms. It seems as though they had arrived during some sort of nap time. Dozens of RainWings were sprawled out on different platforms and hammocks, each level getting closer to the treetops.

The fact that they had actually made all of this... was shocking to Winter. All he had ever been told was that RainWings were lazy creatures who laid around napping all the time. Although, he wasn't exactly being proven wrong - they were currently napping after all - they had built all of this at some point.

When one RainWing popped its head up from its perch, it awoke a mass amount of them. Sahara was easily recognized, Winter not so much. Many dragons crowded them, trying to see his shiny scales and imitating them. Sahara was quick to release a growl that the RainWings surrounding them heard loud and clear. They were quick to back away, knowing that the friend of the prince was to be treated as family.

Soon enough, they were quickly guided to the Queen's pavilion, where the Royal family was enjoying the little quiet time they had during Suntime. Although, it seemed like a member was missing. The very dragon Winter was longing to see after a year. The Queen was quick to notice the newcomers.

"Ah, Sahara, Winter. Sahara welcome back and Winter, welcome to the Rainforest. I hope you found your way easily enough?" Queen Glory greeted. Winter nodded respectfully, whilst Sahara simply smiled before moving to go talk to Oak who was waiting nearby. Along with Oak, stood the rest of their friends from school.

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