Jade Mountain Academy

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The moment they touched down,  chaos erupted. Dragonets were running around, making friends - and enemies. It was chaotic. Oak could see some of his parent's friends running around and greeting dragons. A big, burly MudWing was over by a couple other MudWings. Oak recognized the big one as Clay, one of the dragons his mother had grown up with.

Oak looked down at his little sister. Her eyes were wide as she looked around. Firefly was in shock at how big the world outside the rainforest was. All of a sudden, a gold dragon barreled into their mother, squealing. Firefly and Oak jumped while Deathbringer chuckled.

"Glory! Oh my moons, it has been waaaaaaaay too long since I've seen you! I have so much to tell you-" Glory laughed, a sound that was more frequently heard since the birth of her dragonets. "Okay, Sunny." Oak mentally face-taloned. Of course, this was another of the dragons his mother had grown up with. The youngest of them all.

Oak had met all these dragons before - the ones his mother grew up with - but that had been several years ago. Now, he would be staying with all of them. He couldn't help but wonder if there would be any dragonets his age. Or would they all be younger? Oak looked around once more. Most of the dragons had sorted themselves. The MudWings were together, same with the SeaWings. Some were interspersed throughout. The only tribe completely by itself were the IceWings.

A loud gong sounded, calling the dragonets inside. Oak took one last look at his parents before heading inside, Firefly close by his side. As they entered the mountain, they entered into a new adventure. Oak gazed at his fellow dragonets. They were all here for the same thing; an adventure.


Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Thank so much for 100 reads! Have a great week!!!

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