Despair In The Departure Lounge

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// 7  y e a r s  e a r l i e r


"Don't stay out too late tonight, we've got something to talk about."

I glanced towards my mother, eyebrows pulling together in confusion at her vague words.

"About what?" I asked, tilting my head. My hands stalled their fiddling with the knots on my boots, focus now shifted to my mom.

"It's a surprise," was the only answer she gave. I grew suspicious, but my heart jumped at the possibilities. Had she finally listened to my requests of getting that fancy leather journal I saw Igar selling?

"Alright.." I said slowly, returning my attention to tying my shoes up. I stood once finished, grazing my palms along my waist in an attempt to straighten out my tunic. I rushed over to the door, stopping only once to press a cheek kiss to my mother before bidding her farewell as I ducked out the house.

It was mid-November, so the sun hid much earlier in the evening nowadays. The slight remaining sunshine painted the sky shades of orange and pink, with hints of pale purples and blues peeking from behind the dreary clouds threatening to surround our island. I paused a moment to let myself fully admire the sight. Though Berk had its downsides, it was no exaggeration that our sunsets were of prime beauty.

My mesmerization was quickly diminished when a villager stumbled into me from the side, mumbled apologies spilling from their mouths before they left as soon as they'd appeared. I watched the elder villager, whom I vaguely recalled as Bevard, a man who used to run the armory with my father when I was a child.

I watched his trail for a minute, realizing he was headed for the blacksmith as I was meant to be. I started with a wide eyed realization, following after him with quickened strides.

I rounded the corner just as I heard Gobber's enthusiastic greeting to Bevard, sighing inwardly. He'd probably scold me for being late, again.

I took the distraction to slither my way into the back of the shop. I reached for my apron off the hooks, tying it around my waist swiftly as I pulled my hair away from my face into a messy ponytail.

Hiccup opened his mouth to say something but I hushed him, reaching out with my fingers to wipe off cooled soot from his tool and smudging it along my cheeks. His eyebrows furrowed, lips still parted as he watched me with curiosity.

I rubbed my hands together, getting the remaining soot along my arms as much as I could and it clicked for him, eyes widening as his lips closed into a pressed smirk.

I ducked behind a tall shelf just as Gobber waved Bevard goodbye, and took a second before I stepped out into his view.

"Ah, there you are, (Y/N), about ti- wait a second." His beginnings of a scold dropped into a confounded murmur as he took in my messy appearance.

"Hi, Gobber," I piped up, taking my place beside Hiccup at the furnace.

"How are you all dirty? You weren't..." Gobber drifted off again, and I glanced behind me to catch him stroking his braids in thought.

"Working gets you dirty, Gobber. Surprised?" I said, a sarcastic raise of an eyebrow the final straw for Hiccup. A sharp, short laugh escaped his lips before he stopped himself, turning his face away and pretending to be busy sharpening an already-sharp sword.

"I am fairly sure you weren't here ten minutes ago," Gobber said, but his uncertain tone proved my outrageous plan had worked.

"I've been here since I was supposed to be. Ask Hiccup," I shrugged a shoulder at my best friend, turning my eyes to him expectantly.

Fire and the Thud [Hiccup x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now