When The Sun Goes Down

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quick note: (y/l/n) means (your last name)


I was awoken suddenly by knocking from downstairs, and I almost had a heart attack upon realizing I was not in my bed, but actually sat at my table. I lifted my head up, which had been resting on an open book, and I blinked away sleep before recognizing the Book of Dragons beneath me. I must have fallen asleep some time ago while trying to finish it and had not bothered to actually go to bed.

I yawned into my palm, stretching my back before I realized someone was waiting outside the house. I sighed heavily, pushing myself off of the chair and stumbling downstairs. The knocking had started again just as I reached the front door, and I muttered under my breath at them, finally opening it.

“(Y/N)!” Hiccup exclaimed. I rubbed at my eye, passively watching him.

“Hm?” I hummed.

“Where have you been? I didn't see you at all today, and then you didn't show up for dinner--”

“Why, were you actually worried about me?” I said. I had meant for it to come out sarcastic but I was too tired to do that well enough, so it sounded quite serious.

“As a matter of fact, yes I was. Is that a problem, though? I mean, are people not allowed to worry about their best friends or something?” He asked defensively, and I laughed.

“Calm down, Haddock, it was a joke,” I assured him with a pat on his chest.

“Did you just... You did not just call me by my last name,” he said in disbelief, raising an eyebrow. I ignored him, looking outside.

“Is it really this late already?” I murmured to myself, but Hiccup was still going on about the fact that I had referred to him as 'Haddock'.

“When have you ever called me that?” he continued, making a distressed gesture with his arms. I absentmindedly took both of his hands into mine, giving him a look.

“Hiccup, breathe. It is all okay,” I said slowly, holding eye contact. He only gave me a weird expression before his eyes glanced down at our hands, and I suddenly realized it was probably strange of me to randomly hold his, regardless of joking around. I let go of them as if they were scorching hot and coughed.

“Well then, I'm just going to pretend none of that happened and ask why exactly have you been here all day,” Hiccup said a few moments later, and I turned my head to hide a blush, shrugging.

“I was up late reading last night and I've just been sleeping, really.” I mumbled, running my fingers through my hair a couple times.

“I knew giving you the book would be a terrible idea,” he chuckled. I finally looked up, raising my eyebrows.

“Excuse me?”

“Calm down, (Y/L/N), it was a joke,” he deadpanned. I stared incredulously at him for a couple moments before laughing in disbelief. He only gave me a triumphant smirk before glancing behind him.

“Come on,” he said, starting to step away from the door.


“You're not planning on staying inside for the remainder of the day, are you?” he asked, and I paused before shaking my head slowly.

“I'm not going on another random adventure, though, so tell me what exactly you have planned instead of me staying here,” I insisted. He crossed his arms before shrugging.

“I don't know,” he said simply. I scoffed before sighing, stepping beside him and closing the front door behind me.

“At least you're honest,” I muttered.

Fire and the Thud [Hiccup x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now