Leave Before The Lights Come On

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"We'll just sneak her in. My dad should be at dinner right now, so it'll be fine," Hiccup explained. We'd been arguing over how to get Frostbite into his house so that he could begin measuring and figuring out what he'd have to do for her saddle. At first, we decided on just doing it here in the cove but it would be getting dark soon and Hiccup wanted to start on her saddle as soon as possible.

"What about Toothless?" I asked. Hiccup shrugged.

"I'll bring in Frostbite, and then you two just wait a bit and come in after. If we split up the time, it shouldn't be noticeable. Nobody's gonna sit by my house for 20 minutes, it'll work." He seemed to be trying to reassure himself rather than me, but I just nodded, following him and our dragons as he began to head through the trees.
Hiccup opened the door, pushing gently on Frostbite so that she'd head inside. He followed behind her, noticing the light of the fire too late and stopping dead in his tracks as he spotted his father messing with the fireplace.

"Oh, hello, Hiccup. And Toothless," Stoick added with a nod and gentle smile at the dragon Hiccup was currently trying to smuggle into the house. Hiccup froze, furrowing his eyebrows as he silently repeated the latter name his father had spoke.

"Oh! Oh, yeah. Toothless, yeah-- uh, hi, Dad, I'm just gonna.." he gestured up towards the stairs and patted 'Toothless' on the back. The dragon headed up the stairs with caution, eyes narrowed as she surveyed her surroundings. Hiccup began kneading his hands together, waiting impatiently for Frostbite to enter his bedroom already. He glanced behind him at his father, who was sitting and watching them with a passive expression. Hiccup offered an awkward smile before exhaling slowly, eyes turning back to Frostbite. She finally entered his room, and he rushed in after her.

"Okay, Frostbite, we need to hurry. (Y/N)'s gonna be bringing Toothless in here any minute," Hiccup said in a hushed tone, leading the Night Fury over to the corner of his room furthest from the door. She trailed behind him, settling onto the ground and watching him with intrigued eyes. He held her eyes for a moment before a smile made its way upon his lips, and he shook his head lightly.

"I still can't believe we found you," he whispered, kneeling down to pet the top of her head. She purred into the caress, and Hiccup huffed a quiet laugh before he heard the front door open. He bolted upright, eyes wide.

"Damnit, (Y/N).." he hissed, trying to rush back downstairs but he was too late; he watched with a helpless expression as his girlfriend bounded inside with the second Night Fury to enter the house in the past ten minutes.
"Hello, (Y/N)! And... Toothless..? How did he get..?" Stoick drifted off with a heavily bewildered look on his face, hands pointing upstairs before moving to gesture at Toothless who was standing behind me. I paused, glancing at Hiccup for clarification of his dad's confusion but he looked absolutely defeated, and it only made me knit my brows further together.

"Uh... hi, Stoick. So, what's been happening?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound light and casual. Hiccup only shook his head at me in silence and I stopped, instead watching him carefully. He had the look on his face that he'd always have when he was deep in thought, trying to come up with a plan. But I had no idea what he was planning for, and all I could do was stand near the door with an equally lost Toothless beside me.

And then I saw Frostbite peek her head out from Hiccup's bedroom, crooning at us with a tilted head as if she wasn't sure what was going on without her. It hit me with a drop of my stomach and I inhaled a shaky breath, glancing at Stoick. I had been hoping he'd ignored it, but his wide eyes and his gaping back and forth between the two Night Furies proved my hope worthless.

"Dad, I can explain..." Hiccup started to protest but Stoick was already standing up, nearly knocking over the stool he'd been sat at to gesture at the Night Furies.

Fire and the Thud [Hiccup x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now