Pretty Visitors

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heads up the first half is in a general 3rd person pov since you aren't actually in that scene ok enjoy


"No but I am pretty sure it's a Changewing egg," Fishlegs argued.

"How would you know? We haven't even seen it yet," Astrid pointed out. Hiccup just trailed beside them as they bickered, a smile ghosted on his lips.

"Well.. it sounds like one, I mean-" Fishlegs was interrupted by Snotlout pushing past them.

"And where do you think you're going?" Astrid called out. The group stopped walking as Snotlout turned to glance at them.

"To the docks, obviously," he said, before starting to walk again.

"You're supposed to be helping out," Astrid insisted just as Hiccup furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why the docks?" Hiccup asked. Snotlout sighed deeply before facing them again.

"There's a ship here, apparently it's brought a girl. I am going to be the first to greet her," he added cockily.

"Uh, if the boat's already been here, I'm pretty sure you won't be the first," Ruffnut said. Snotlout disregarded her as the others looked amongst themselves.

"Heather, maybe?" Astrid suggested. Hiccup shrugged, but Fishlegs looked a bit sheepish.

"Uh, hah... no, not really," he said in slightly high pitched tone. They both looked at him with confused eyes.

"'Not really'? What does that even mean?" Astrid asked. Fishlegs glanced at Hiccup before looking away.

"Oh, I don't know, I mean, it could be Heather but I think I heard someone mentioning it was (Y/N) and her mom or something," Fishlegs said quickly. Hiccup looked at him, eyes wide.

"What? Really?" he asked. Fishlegs paused before nodding.

"Wait, who's (Y/N)?" Astrid asked but Hiccup had already pressed a kiss to her cheek and disappeared in the direction Snotlout had originally been headed.

"Not fair, Hiccup! I technically called dibs on her, you have one already!" Snotlout called out. Astrid glared at him.

"I would hit you but right now I have no idea what's happening, so Fishlegs, explain." She turned to the aforementioned boy, who looked a bit scared honestly.

"Um... well, before there was you, there was (Y/N). I guess. I don't know," he shrugged, trying to move away from her. All she did was step closer as he tried.

"What's that mean?" she asked slowly.

"Ugh, okay. Before the whole dragon training thing, Hiccup had this girl friend and her name was (Y/N) and we all used to hang out but she moved away when we were 13. He was pretty torn up about it, actually, we didn't even talk for a while after that," Fishlegs rambled.

"Wait, Hiccup had a girlfriend? Before Astrid?" Ruffnut snorted in disbelief.

"No, a girl friend. Two words. Female friend," Fishlegs sighed. Astrid only stood quietly, thinking.

"Well, if he doesn't go after her, I am," Snotlout said proudly. They all turned to look at him and Astrid's glare made him shrink away a bit.

"I mean, wow, what a lovely story, friendship. Great," he added quickly. Astrid shook her head, crossing her arms.

"Still gonna woo her," Snotlout said before taking off. Fishlegs was trailing after him, shouting about giving Hiccup his moment. The remaining teens just looked at one another before shrugging and following.


"I'll go get the stuff," I mumbled to my mom. She was still engaged in conversation with Stoick, and now several other villagers had joined in. It was an endless talk between parents about their children, the worst kind of topic. She went to answer me when her eyes caught something on the dock ramp. I waited, and noticed as Stoick glanced as well before they shared a knowing look.

"How about I get those," my mother said, placing her hand on my shoulder. I went to protest, mainly because I did not want to have to take her spot in this conversation but now they were all giving me weird smiles and I had no choice but to look at where they'd been staring. When I realized what it was, my heart nearly dropped out of my chest.

"Hiccup!" I shouted excitedly. I would have been embarrassed about the pure childish glee in my voice had I cared at the moment. He looked up towards his name and I waited for him to see. I resisted the urge to start flailing my hands ridiculously and settled on bouncing lightly on my feet. I grinned when I caught his eyes and saw the recognition fill his.

"(Y/N)!" he called back, rushing over as fast as he could between the villagers that had been gathered and scattered. I felt my mom's hand drop from my shoulder as I started over towards him.

We met in a hug as if we hadn't seen each other in years, which, I reminded myself grimly, was literally every bit of true. I was overwhelmed, fighting the urge to cry. That would be incredibly lame and I would not do that in public.

"You grew!" I said as we pulled apart.

"You didn't!" he mocked me and I rolled my eyes, still smiling.

"What are you d- really, guys? It's been five seconds," Hiccup interrupted himself with a groan, looking behind me. I realized I had somehow ended up with my back to the dock and spun to see a group of teenagers making their way over.

"Oh, (Y/N), you remember F-" I had already made my way over to hug my other closest friend from my childhood.

"..Fishlegs," Hiccup finished awkwardly before laughing to himself, walking over.

"And where is my hug?" Snotlout said with a smirk, extending his arms. I awkwardly gazed at him just as three other pairs of eyes simultaneously glared in his direction. He coughed, dropping his arms.

"I was kidding! It was a joke, guys. Totally didn't want a hug or anything. Actually, Ruffnut, come here," he tried. She moved away from him, muttering "Gross," before crossing her arms. Tuffnut gave Snotlout a smug grin before looking forward again.

"This is so cool, I thought you weren't coming back," Fishlegs insisted excitedly, ignoring the others.

"Trust me, so did I," I assured him.

"Yeah, actually, I was going to ask about that before you all so kindly interrupted me," Hiccup added sarcastically, stepping next to me.

"Well, my mom said that my aunt 'wasn't doing well' and she wanted us to stay with her," I explained with a shrug.

"Oh, right, I heard she was sick!" Fishlegs nodded. I did as well, and couldn't help the grin on my face.

"What, are you happy your aunt is ill, (Y/N)?" Hiccup said teasingly.

"No! I mean... well, no," I laughed slightly, shaking my head. He smiled back and I suddenly remembered there were four other people there.

"Um.." I said quietly, looking at them.

"Oh! Wow, right. Uh, (Y/N), I don't know if you remember them but.." Hiccup started to introduce each of the other teenagers and I could recall them a lot better now. I hadn't necessarily been great friends with them but I had talked with them back then.

It was nicer than I had expected, getting to speak to everyone again. They were an odd bunch of friends but it gave me hope that I wouldn't have too much difficulty fitting in if I tried. I listened as much as I could, learning about them through the way they spoke and the things they talked about. I especially listened to Hiccup, though I couldn't help it. I had been closest to him, after all. At least, I had before leaving. The biggest thing on my mind was the fear that it might have been too late to try and become the best friends we had previously been, but this wasn't going to stop me trying.

At that moment, he had turned to me while the others were arguing about something and smiled, and I realized that I might not have to try as hard as I thought I would.


golly gee there is so much dialogue why do i write so much dialogue. i hope it isnt overwhelming lmao also reminder everyones about 18 rn. so this is like post-httyd pre-httyd2 alright yep

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