Brick By Brick

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"Guess who's back on the market," Snotlout said in a sing-song voice, earning a wide-eyed stare from Fishlegs.

"What? A market?" Tuffnut asked.

"Astrid is," Snotlout continued, mildly ignoring the question.

"She's on a market?" Tuffnut sounded even further confused, so Fishlegs shook his head with a sigh.

"Uh, no, her and Hiccup broke up and now Snotlout thinks he can somehow manage to win Astrid," Fishlegs explained. Snotlout shrugged cockily.

"Oh, I gotcha.. Wait, there's a market for that?"

"Oh my Gods, you are so dumb.." Ruffnut breathed with a hint of annoyance, crossing her arms. The siblings began to argue back and forth until their attention was moved to the entrance of another.

Astrid strolled into the arena, looking indifferent as she approached the group. Fishlegs swallowed as they all watched her, unsure of any potential reactions.

"Is there a problem?" she asked upon noticing their eyes.

"Problem, what problem? Of couse there's no problem, nobody's talking about you and Hiccup, there's no problem here!" Fishlegs blurted out before moving his hand to slightly cover his mouth. Astrid's eyes narrowed in confusion before she understood, exhaling a sigh.

"I already told you, Fishlegs. We're fine." She emphasized the last two words. Just as she finished speaking, the remaining two teenagers, Hiccup and (Y/N), walked in.
"O-ho, man, is it just me or is it getting a little tense in her--" Snotlout doubled over as Astrid elbowed him sharply in the ribs, clutching his torso.

"Okay, it's just me, then," he exhaled, blinking rapidly.

"So. We're discussing things, right?" Astrid asked as if nothing had happened, turning her eyes towards Hiccup. He looked between her and Snotlout for a short second before nodding.

"Yeah, my dad wants us to think of ideas on how we can improve the village. You know, for the dragon situation," he explained.

"Situation?" I asked, unclear on what he was referring to.

"Yea, there's been like, 20 houses set on fire the past week. It's getting crazy," Fishlegs piped up.

"Whoa, really? You don't think they're doing it...?"

"On purpose? Oh, no, I don't think they mean to. I guess it's just difficult not to, after all they do kind of breathe fire," he added with a slight chuckle.

"Oh gods, it's started."

"What?" Hiccup turned to Fishlegs after hearing the boy's quiet sentence. Fishlegs' eyes widened, arms crossing at his chest.

"What? What, I didn't.. I didn't say anything!" he said, voice pitching with nerves. Hiccup furrowed his eyebrows, glancing towards me before looking back at the boy.

"Fishlegs, what do you mean? What started?" he repeated.

"Oh, you mean that, well I was.. Actually, nevermind," Fishlegs said with an uncomfortable laugh. He looked away when Hiccup raised an eyebrow in his direction.

"Okay, well, it's just, I mean, I've noticed that you have a wonderful talent of finishing people's sentences. Especially girlfriend sentences. It's really great, you should keep it up." he said quickly.

"Wait, did I actually..?" Hiccup turned to me. I bit back a laugh before nodding in response. Astrid began tapping her foot impatiently, and I watched as Snotlout glanced at Fishlegs.

"Way to go, man. And I thought I made it worse," he snickered.

"Okay, not to be rude or anythi- you know what, I don't really care. Can we move on? I have things to do," Ruffnut interrupted the conversation that was quickly veering off-course.

Fire and the Thud [Hiccup x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now