You Probably Couldn't See

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The first step in training a dragon usually requires having your dragon. I wasn't at this point, not even after the first trip Hiccup and I made to try and fulfill it. Nor the following four trips spread out over the course of several weeks. Hiccup was starting to think I just didn't want a dragon, which couldn't have been further from the truth. I just wanted something different. A small part of me was hoping to manage to find a dragon that nobody else on the island had, or one that very few had managed to train. Maybe a Whispering Death, or one of those strange water dragons that Hiccup had been telling me about.

This time, Hiccup was determined I come back to Berk with a dragon. Even if that meant going to rather extreme lengths.

"It's been two whole days, Hiccup," I complained. We'd spent the majority of the past 48 hours flying. Just flying. We stopped on a few islands to rest and eat something, but the remainder of the time was just flight. I wasn't sure if Hiccup intended to ever stop, or if he had kidnapped me and planned on finding the edge of the ocean. Which was the only thing I had seen for the past 5 hours; ocean, ocean, ocean, did I mention ocean? I am so tired of the ocean--

"I thought you wanted a 'special' dragon," he retorted, distracting me from my thoughts.

"It's not worth it anymore, just drop me anywhere, oh my Gods," I said, partially as a joke but it was pretty much what I was feeling.

"Okay, okay.. I think I see one, so we'll stop there," Hiccup chuckled. I breathed a thank you before leaning against his back, letting my eyes fall shut for the remaining time.

We finally were getting closer towards some land mass. I had to squint to try and see it, because there seemed to be some form of fog or mist surrounding the island. Hiccup didn't mention it or anything, so I disregarded it as well as we flew down in its direction. Not much later, we touched ground in an opening. There were some trees scattered around, with bushes and plants, but absolutely no sounds. No birds, no critters, no dragons roaring in the background. I slid off of Toothless, turning in a full circle as I observed our surroundings. Hiccup stepped next to me a bit later, glancing around before his hand brushed my shoulder for a moment.

"Stay here," Hiccup said. I gave him a confused look.

"Just gonna scout out the island quick before we start looking properly," Hiccup explained, rubbing his hands together before starting towards Toothless.

"Okay. Be careful," I said. I wasn't too keen on the utter lack of life besides the greenery here. He gave me an amused smile.

"Always," he assured with an air of playfulness before pressing a kiss to my cheek, climbing onto Toothless. I watched them take off until I couldn't see them any longer. At that point, I wasn't quite sure what to do, puffing my cheeks up with air before expelling it, drumming my fingers on my forearm. I let my eyes wander for a bit before my feet did the same, pushing through a couple trees before I came across a small opening. I strolled to the center, inhaling deeply before deciding I should stay where I had been. It'd be easier for Hiccup to find me if I did so. I heard a rustling from behind me to the right, and I turned my head, catching sight of Toothless inching slowly through the trees. I furrowed my eyebrows before shrugging, turning towards him.

"Whoa, you guys did that pretty fast," I said, eyes widening in disbelief. I had been wandering for just a minute or two. I knew Toothless was fast, but I didn't quite expect this level of rapidity. Toothless only stared at me and tilted his head a bit. It was then that noticed the lack of Hiccup on his back.

"Where's Hiccup? Did you leave him behind? I don't blame you," I said playfully, starting to step towards the dragon. He moved back at the same time and I paused, eyes narrowing in confusion.

Fire and the Thud [Hiccup x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now