Hold On, We're Going Home

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"You didn't have to leave, flower," my mother repeated for the umpteenth time since we'd sailed off. I huffed a sigh, shaking my head.

"Doesn't matter really, mom. It's not like I can change my mind at this point," I shrugged. She'd begun to start another one of her lectures on how I should have stayed instead of coming along all gloomy or whatever word she'd decided to label me as, but there was an odd noise in the distance and several of the people on the ship turned towards it, including us.

"Something up there?" I heard one of them ask aloud. There was silence for another minute.

Just then, a familiar screech echoed through the clouds and I felt my heart drop with it.

Toothless dove down from the sky and landed in the center of the boat, causing it to rock from side to side until it settled against the water again.

"Wow, uh.. Hi, is (Y/N) here?" Hiccup's voice called out from atop Toothless and I stood silently, watching with widened eyes.

"Don't tell me I landed on another wrong boat," I heard him sigh before he started to look around. I was mentally questioning what 'another wrong boat' meant when his eyes landed on me and he looked full of relief, climbing off of Toothless.

"Thank Gods, it's been like, 3 hours," he said as he walked over. I only watched him, holding my breath until he reached me. He took a breath, starting to mess with his hands.

"Listen, (Y/N), I'm sorry for blowing you off earlier when you needed to talk to me. I was, uh.."

"An asshole?" I offered wryly.

"Okay, yeah, I was, but I mean, I was just.. really confused. I needed to clear my head but I should've still let you speak," he continued, placing his hand on the back of his head.

"That probably would've been a terrible idea, just like this. Please leave," I deadpanned, starting to turn away. He reached out, holding my shoulder so that I'd stay put.

"(Y/N), you have to listen to me," he started to protest but I made an exasperated noise.

"Honestly Hiccup, I have gone through so much the past couple months, I have 'moved' islands three times," I began ranting, pulling my shoulder from Hiccup's hold.


"And you're not helping! I tried to talk to you but you were so caught up in some stupid kiss,"

"Can you just listen to me for a secon-"

"I am tired of having my feelings thrown aside for everyone else!" I snapped. I noticed my mom look away, which hopefully meant she understood. I was fed up. I had been moved from Berk against what I wanted, I had been moved back, and now I was going to Aedria for the second time. Sure, this time it was my choice, but realistically I wanted to stay on Berk. I wanted to stay with my first friends and villagers. I wanted to stay with my best friend. Nothing was going the way I hoped and it sucked.

"I am not doing this to myself again." I added a couple seconds later.

"I broke up with Astrid," Hiccup decided to respond. It was so out of the blue and unrelated that I actually forgot what I was talking about, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What? Why would you do that?" I asked slowly. He rolled his eyes, exhaling sharply.

"For you, okay, now can you just listen to me-"

"Wait, you broke up with Astrid? What the hell, Hiccup?" I exclaimed, finally processing what he'd said.

"That is not important right now, (Y/N), I'm-- OW, oh my Gods, why is everyone punching me there today?" he interrupted himself in a frustrated tone, clutching his upper arm. I must have instinctively hit his shoulder or something while he was trying to dismiss my statement but he deserved it.

Fire and the Thud [Hiccup x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now