Secret Door

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"Well, what about the cove?"

I looked toward Hiccup, pursing my lips as I pondered his suggestion. We'd postponed returning for about an hour now, still trying to figure out the entire plan. It was easier said than done, and our dragons were growing more and more restless as a result.

"What if someone sees us while we're flying?" I replied.

"Eh, I don't think they'll notice. Besides, if they did they'd probably just think they were imagining things instead of two actual Night Furies." Hiccup shrugged a shoulder, rubbing beneath his ear with his forefinger.

"I mean, if you think that'll work, then sure," I said after a couple seconds of further thought.

"I honestly don't know if it'll work but we're running low on ideas, so.." he responded with a humorless chuckle.

"They're gonna find out eventually. It really isn't that big of a deal, you know."

"Yes, (Y/N), I'm aware. You've pointed that out every single time we discussed this," he replied with a tinge of exasperated irritation.

"Well, it seems like you still don't get it, so, sorry for reminding you," I said defensively, raising my eyebrows and hands in a gesture of surrender.

"I just don't want this to go badly. For any of us." His eyes glanced towards the Night Furies currently yelping back and forth at one another. I tilted my head, unsure of his reasoning.

"How could this go badly?"

"I don't know, I mean.. they've been hiding for a reason, right? There could be more of them, and they're all in hiding because of something. What if it's something we did?" Hiccup looked at me with a disquieted expression, eyebrows furrowed slightly. My lips parted but I didn't respond, and he only continued his rambling.

"Not us specifically, but.. Humans, I guess. There has to be a reason for the lack of Night Furies. I just don't know what that reason is, and I'm worried we might be doing something wrong by bringing Frostbite back," he admitted, messing habitually with his hair before sighing.

"Do you want us to leave her here, then?" I said slowly, not sure about his train of thought, but he shook his head.

"No, uh, no.. That wouldn't be fair to you, would it? But still, she might... Ugh, I don't know," he settled with a groan, rubbing his hands at his face. I stepped forward to close the distance, wrapping my fingers around his wrists and gently pulling his hands away. He eyed my face with a conflicted expression and I tilted my head, releasing one of his wrists to fiddle with his shoulder pad.

"You are obviously not in a good place right now, so how about I decide for us?" I offered. He exhaled softly before shrugging, so I took that as a halfhearted yes.

"We fly back to the cove, like you said earlier, and if at any point you feel like we shouldn't have Frostbite there, then we fly her back here for the unforeseeable future. Problem solved," I settled, wiping away imaginary dust on his shoulders before resting my hands upon them, holding his gaze. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for his opinion. He chewed absentmindedly on his bottom lip, considering my words.

"Um.. Okay, I guess," he said slowly.

"Okay?" I repeated, nodding. He narrowed his eyes at me, still in thought before shrugging once more.

"Okay, yeah, sure.. That'll work. Hopefully," he added under his breath.

"Good, now get on your dragon and let's get the hell out of here before you change your mind again because I do not understand how you deal with these kinds of trips on a regular basis," I announced, heading over to interrupt our mingling dragons.

Fire and the Thud [Hiccup x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now