D Is For Dangerous

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I had been wandering around the village, just enjoying the pleasant weather when I caught sight of a familiar small group of people. I recognized Hiccup, Astrid, and Fishlegs all talking amongst themselves with their dragons by their sides. I paused, wondering if it'd be alright to interrupt them. It had been a couple days since the dragon racing incident and I had barely been outside my aunt's home, let alone spoken to Hiccup or any of the others.

“Hi, guys,” I called out, finally deciding to approach them. They greeted me back, and I noticed they seemed to be getting ready to leave somewhere. Astrid and Fishlegs had just climbed upon their dragons while Hiccup was adjusting Toothless's saddle.

“What are you up to, now?” I said, crossing my arms.

“We're just gonna go scout out some stuff, mainly looking for any new dragons or eggs,” Hiccup explained, climbing onto Toothless.

“Hey, would it be okay if I tagged along?” I asked slowly, hoping I didn't sound as awkward as I felt. Fishlegs glanced at Astrid as Hiccup shrugged.

“Yeah, sure. Hop on,” he said, gesturing to the space behind him. I smiled, a bit relieved he didn't seem to be holding any grudges. I was also genuinely excited to finally get to see what this whole 'scouting' business was like. I started to head over to Toothless when Astrid spoke up

“(Y/N) could always ride with me, I mean, it'd probably be easier for you, Hiccup, since you tend to go off and do your weird flying things, anyway,” Astrid suggested with a shrug. We glanced at her, and her eyebrows were raised. Fishlegs murmured something under his breath, making her glare at him for a split second.

“No, trust me, it's fine, I don't mind,” Hiccup assured her before turning to me, holding out his hand. I could have sworn Astrid clenched her jaw for a minute as I took his hand before I looked away, focusing on climbing onto Toothless without falling off.

“You haven't actually ridden a dragon before this, have you?” Hiccup chuckled as I tried to steady myself.

“Is it that obvious?” I laughed, shaking my head.

“Just a bit,” he smiled, before I heard the click of his prosthetic sliding into the stirrup

and locking into place. I took a breath.

“Hold on,” he said a couple moments later, and I thought he was asking me to wait or something, but all of a sudden Toothless took off and I nearly flipped off the back of him with a scream, throwing my arms out and clinging to Hiccup.

“I told you to hold on!” he said while laughing.

“I thought you meant 'wait a moment'!” I shouted back, trying to catch my breath and calm down my heart's pounding. He was still laughing at me, so I glared at the back of his head as hard as I could.

“You okay?” he finally said a short while later. I only made some undignified noise and huffed, shaking my head.

“I nearly died,” I muttered, more as a joke than being serious.

Fire and the Thud [Hiccup x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now