The View From The Afternoon

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heads up, the pov switches from 1st person for reader to 3rd person for hiccup!! ps timeline in this chapter will be a bit dodgy, however u should be able to work out what is happening and when it happened pretty easily!


I had waited three days since Hiccup's leave, hoping that maybe he'd return in a better mood and willing to talk. But by the fifth day with no sign of the duo, I had grown convinced that I wouldn't see the boy by the time my mother would be on her way back to Aedria. From the looks of things, I would probably be right beside her.


"I was thinking that we could go explore some islands this time, huh, bud?" Hiccup said. It was a bit pointless, really, since that was what they usually did on these kinds of trips, but he was trying to clear his mind and focusing on something like adding to his map seemed like a good idea. Toothless gave a short huff in agreement, and Hiccup petted the top of his head for a moment before glancing around the endless open space around them.

After a couple hours of aimless flight, Hiccup finally spotted some sort of a land mass in the distance.

"Alright, Toothless, here we go," he breathed out, leaning forward a bit as Toothless began to dive.
They'd been exploring islands for close to a week now, and Hiccup had barely allowed himself to focus on anything but expanding his map. Right now, he was sitting in a grassy area with his map extended open on the ground before him, going back and forth between eying the drawings and the landscape in front.

"Do you think I was too harsh on her back there, bud?" Hiccup finally asked. Toothless huffed and nodded his head once, earning a frustrated exhale from his rider. He set the pencil down on the paper.

"I know, I just-- What am I supposed to do?" he groaned, running a hand through his hair. Toothless gave a gruff snort, trodding over to sit next to Hiccup.

"I've got Astrid but.. when I'm with (Y/N), it's like, I don't know, I just forget everything," Hiccup said slowly, struggling to figure a way to put his thoughts into words. He only received a judgmental look from his dragon, to which he crinkled his nose in response before leaning against his best friend. He could always count on Toothless, even if the dragon only made various sounds in an attempt to solve his problems.

"I don't know what to do, bud," Hiccup sighed, petting Toothless absentmindedly. He watched his pencil rolling along the map and picked it up, starting to sketch out additions based on what he could see around him.

"At least I know we won't ever kiss and end up driving me crazy," he said sarcastically, turning to look at Toothless but was met by an enthusiastic tongue licking his face repeatedly.

"Oh, what, Toothle-- stop it! You're getting my suit gross, hey, wai- Oh, come on!" Hiccup said between fits of laughter, trying to simultaneously push away Toothless and wipe the saliva off his skin. When he finally managed to do so he took a breath and glanced at his dragon.

"I need to break up with Astrid, don't I?"


"You know, if this was five years ago, I would've never had this problem because no girl was interested in me at all," Hiccup thought aloud. They'd been flying in the direction of Berk for a while now, and he estimated that there wouldn't been much more time before they reached his village.

He could see something moving on the water far below, and squinted his eyes in an attempt to make out what it was.

“Hold on, bud,” he said, and they slowed down their flying so he could observe better.

“A boat? It looks like one of ours..” Hiccup murmured, tilting his head slightly. He recognized the sail flowing along the mast as one of Berk's ships, though he couldn't remember hearing about any sailing the day he had left. However he hadn't really been paying much attention to anyone, he reminded himself a bit guiltily, and they hadn't been on Berk in about a week now. He shook his head lightly in an attempt to rid his curiosity, shrugging.

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