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It wasn't until everyone had gone home and Joy had gone to her room that I could cry. Minhyuk was settled on the couch for the night, I wasn't in any state to drive him home nor was he in any state to be home. I sat on the floor in the bathroom with my hand over my mouth, it was so hard to grasp. Had his friends known about it and let it continue? He'd introduced me as his girlfriend. Had he done the same with Minhyuk?

There was a gentle, barely there knock on the door. I scrambled to wipe at my eyes, managing sit up straighter before I heard Minhyuk's soft voice on the other side of the door. It was distant like his back was against the door as well.

"hey, y/n? I'm pretty sure neither of us are fine right now. And maybe I'm the last person you want to admit that too, but will you promise me something? Don't deal with this all by yourself, i could see that all of your friends wanted to be there for you, so if you're uncomfortable talking to me, talk to them." there was beat of silence. ''and if you don't want to, you know you don't have to go through with this for my sake. if we both put up enough of a fight they'll have to drop it, ya' know?"

There was rustling, like he was standing up, and then he pressed a hand to the door. "there's some water by the door for you, i'm going to sleep now."

i waited for a few minutes before i opened the door, the glass of water right were i'd see it. i took it carefully, it was delicious after crying for so long.

i stopped outside the living room and breathed quietly, listening for Minhyuk's sounds. He was breathing steadily, maybe a little forced. Like he knew i was listening and he wanted to show me he could stick it out too. i sent a wobbly smile in his direction and mentally thanked him.

i tiptoed into the bedroom and set down the cup, peeling back my covers.

"hey," Joy whispered, "i'm cold, sleep in mine?"

i felt my lip tremble and i swallowed hard, nodding and slipping in next to her. her arms were around me, hand stroking my hair as she hummed something softly.

"just know, baby, we'll kill him if you say the word."

i choked on a smile, pressing my face into her shoulder.

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