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Jimin held my hand around his apartment, he seemed fine working with one hand while I clung to him. It had been too long since we'd had any time together. It was okay to be this clingy. I had an excuse.

Each holding a mug of milk, Jimin equipped with a pack of cookies under his arm we made our way to the living. In the living room I let go of his hand while he settled into the couch and then I snuggled in on top of him.

His breathless laughter drift over my hair and his fingers came up to run through it. I smiled, burying my head against his neck while he turned on his favorite show. Our silence pressed in around me, nagged at the secret stuck in my throat. I hadn't told him about the marriage. I couldn't force out the words. It wasn't something to say over text. It wasn't something I planned to hide forever though, but I had no idea how he'd take it.

"Jiminie?" I whispered.


"I have to tell you something. But not today, I need a little more time to get it figured out." I managed.

I could feel him shifting, trying to look at me better, but I was trembling. I couldn't look up. I'd thought about telling him so many times, about asking him to run away with me like we were much younger and a lot dumber. I wanted to move out but I didn't have the money just yet. There was no way around it.

His delicate fingers tilted my chin upwards. "I'm always here to listen baby, you can take all the time you need. Just know that I'm now very curious. And more than that I'm worried."

I blinked hard a few times, avoiding his eyes. The look in them was soft and welcoming. They told me I could tell him everything. But I couldn't until y/n had agreed to her end.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm here." Jimin cuddled me closer to his chest, arms wrapping around me and squeezing.

If the world could just stand still. Just like this. Forever safe in Jimin's arms.

His lips pressed soft kisses to my hair and forehead, hand rubbing circles on my back. I looked up and pouted, eyes asking for what my voice refused to. Jimin giggled, pressing a soft kiss to my nose and then a firmer one to my lips. I was melting. He just had that effect on me.

"I'm here to listen whenever you're ready." He promised.

After a few episodes our food was gone and we were both sleepy. I let him drag me to his bedroom and snuggled under the covers that held the smell of his detergent and his light cologne. Jimin shuffled around the room for a moment before joining me,  taking his turn to snuggle into my chest and tangling our legs together.

I woke up to Jimin's work alarm. He startled and scrambled to snooze it. I reached out and my arm soaked up the warmth he left behind. He pressed a kiss to my forehead after a long time of moving around.

"Breakfast is on the stove, text me when you get home. I love you."

I nodded, not wanting to think about catching the bus home. However, Jimin and I both knew i wasn't getting out of bed anytime soon. He couldn't be late to work because of me. And sadly, I couldn't stay all day. I had to go home and apologize to my mom. Which was gonna be sooo much fun.

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