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"I'm sorry baby, the boys called me after you canceled."

"Of course, I just have a bunch of stuff I need to talk to you about." I explained, rubbing my temple. "So just let me know when your free. Some of its, kinda, important."

"You sound worried, Y/n." Jimin said softly, "I can come over tomorrow after work. Is that okay?"

"Yeah," I sighed, feeling relived ever so slightly that he'd be by so soon. "Yeah that's perfect. I love you."

"Love you too, bye."

Sighing, I put my phone on the charger. I'd kept him pretty busy so there was no doubt his friends would be missing him. I just needed to sort out how I would explain all of this. Jimin always had been laid back and very reasonable. But this idea of Minhyuk's bordered on the edge of my comfort zone, so I had no idea how Jimin would react.

I crawled beneath my covers, my feet slipping against the familiar and worn cotton, and clicked on the tv, falling asleep to the background noise.

The next morning I slept in. There was no reason to get up especially early. I made it a point not to work on the weekends, it made friend time easier to work. I would have slept in later, but my roommate Joy stumbled in, giggling into the phone.

"I'm inside, I'm inside."

I blinked against the light, hearing but not quite knowing what was going on. I groaned at the intrusion and my mind skipped to the part where I was sitting up. I didn't really know what happened in between.

But I did know that I was faced with the apologetic pout of Park Soo-young from above a brown paper bag.

"I'm sorry I woke you." She whispered, "I brought you breakfast though."

"Forgiven." I mumbled, accepting the bag and scooting around in the twisted bedsheets to find a comfortable position.

I could practically taste the cinnamon roll that was definitely inside the steamy bag. Upon looking inside, I could see there was even icing. I groaned in appreciation, smiling and stretching my arms before digging out the sticky treat. I decided at once that it was a terrible idea to eat this in my bed, so I untangled my legs and stumbled across the cold floor to the door, shoving my feet into the slippers within my reach and attempting to keep some kind of balance.

Joy was singing in the shower and I smiled, wedging the door open slightly to hear her better. She had such a pretty voice. I hopped up on the countertop and sidled away from the edge, munching on the cinnamon bun and retrieving my phone to scroll through the notifications.

Jimin had texted me that he'd call when he finished his shift. And I felt giddy at the prospect of seeing him. It never got old. Licking the last of the icing from my fingers, I hopped down and rinsed my hand, planning to stare restlessly into the closet for awhile before actually touching anything.

I had the time to procrastinate.

Joy shuffled into the room, towel wrapped around herself and hair dripping down her shoulders, smile playing at her lips. "I think some people would be alarmed if their roommate kept opening the door when they showered. Should I tell Jimin to worry?"

I giggled, "You're not allowed to expose me. Can you help me find something to wear?"

"Are you guys going out tonight?" She asked, shuffling through her drawers for clothes.

I shrugged my shoulders, running my hand over the hangers. "I just asked if we could talk tonight. It's not specified. I have to look cute and be comfy."

Wetness seeped into the sleeve of my tshirt as she leaned against me, eyes scrutinizing the array of shirts and dresses and skirts and jeans hung there.

"Your gonna catch a cold." I scolded her.

She shrugged, tugging a pair of my jeans down and a tshirt of her own. She tossed them on my bed and flopped onto her own, shimmying beneath the comforter.

"I trust you."

"Why wouldn't you." Came the muffled reply.

Laughing, I left her to her nap and claimed the still steamy bathroom for myself.

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